• last updated 16 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- make sure to set ids (should go probably into constructor)

- change special markers in text_to_html from \x001 and \x002 to \u0002 (start of text) and \u0003 (end of text). The previous coding did not work always reliably, regsub was missing some entries, probably due to a mess-up of the internal representation.

- bug-fix (old bug): not sure, why "proc" was removed from the @see tag. the consequence was, that "@see ad_proc" as converted into "ad_", which is incorrect (see occurence e.g. in http://openacs.org/api-doc/proc-view?proc=callback&source_p=1)

- fixing a probably old bug: changed the markers in ad_text_to_html since the old markers with the funy camel case led to problems (at least with current regexp implementations)

in the text below, only 5 of the 8 urls were correctly transformed into anchor markup. The new markers uses uniqe single char starting and ending marker, marking also regexp much simpler.

- the function is further generalized (unifying http/https/ftp urls with mailto urls) and probably faster

A welcome contribution would be e.g. an extension of the api-browser for callbacks (listing contracts/implementations, etc.).

[1] http://openacs.org/api-doc/proc-view?proc=callback&source_p=1

[2] https://github.com/openacs/openacs-core/blob/oacs-5-9/packages/search/tcl/search-procs.tcl#L309

[3] https://github.com/openacs/forums/blob/master/tcl/forums-callback-procs.tcl#L104

[4] https://github.com/openacs/openacs-core/blob/oacs-5-9/packages/acs-tcl/tcl/apm-procs.tcl

[5] http://openacs.org/api-doc/proc-view?source_p=1&proc=apm_arg_names_for_callback_type

[6] https://github.com/openacs/xowiki/blob/oacs-5-9/tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl

[7] https://github.com/openacs/openacs-core/blob/oacs-5-9/packages/acs-subsite/tcl/subsite-callback-procs.tcl#L69

[8] https://github.com/openacs/xotcl-core/blob/oacs-5-9/tcl/06-param-procs.tcl#L386

- fix variable name

- fix typo

- remove erroneous warnings

- reduce the number of regsub operations in ad_text_to_html

- improve/fix souce code comments

- add istener only, when search is configured

Removed use of deprecated ns_ssl API for Naviserver versions newer than 4.99.12

Removed use of util_memoize in favor of ns_memoize

- nsproxy handling: switch back to previous directory in after changing to a new one (which might be deleted before the next call)

    • -1
    • +13
- show debug data as well for forms

- perform parameter validation in a "-validate" section rather than returning an error to achieve a more consistent behavior

- fix typo

    • -1
    • +6
- provide image dimensions

- replace onclick event listener by evenet listeners

- don't offer search control in xowiki menu bar, when no search is configured on the system

- prefer usage of add_event_listener over add_body script

    • -0
    • +26
- add comment how a drop with multiple files is handled

- only get data via [ns_conn content] when it is text/*

- fix test for strange validation error

- use ad_log instead of ns_log for warning in such cases

- copy the body of ad_get_tcl_call_stack from acs-tcl/tcl/utilities-procs to achive consistent behavior, when acs-bootstrap installer is reloaded.

Introduced missing ad_library statement. Normalized overall library description.

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
Introduced missing ad_library statement

Introduced missing ad_library statement at the beginning of file

- remove more onclick inline scripts

- remove more onclick inline scripts

    • -6
    • +13
- use template::add_event_listener

- bump version number to 0.151

- remove more onclock inline scripts

- don't overwrite "xotcl::Object instproc serialize", since this is already defined by nsf (at least in versions 2.0 or newer)

- change apostrophes in text into numberical entities to make the life of single minded HTML parsers easier

  1. … 24 more files in changeset.
- use template::add_event_listener

- update dependencies

- bump version number to 5.9.1d14

    • -2
    • +3