• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
whitespace change

list called api procs

call 'next' to ensure file attachments are stored in the database and content repository

improve spelling

whitespace changes

extend regression test, add covered procs to webtest

Replace deprecated API. Fixes 'callgraph__bad_page_calls' test case

    • -4
    • +5
    • -2
    • +3
    • -2
    • +3
Remove obsolete file. Fixes 'callgraph__bad_page_calls' test case

Mark 'template::adp_puts' as public, as it is used in 'calendar'

Mark 'fs::max_upload_size' as public, as it is used in 'attachments'

Remove obsolete files, initially deleted in oacs-5-8 branch, 8 years ago, which somehow managed to survive

Remove obsolete file, initially deleted in oacs-5-8 branch, 8 years ago, which somehow managed to survive

fix attachments for short_text_interaction

Remove bogus proc name. Fixes 'naming__proc_naming' test case

Mark 'auth::can_admin_system_without_authority_p' as public, as it is used in 'acs-admin'

Mark 'auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns' as public, as it is used in 'acs-admin'

Mark 'lang::message::cache' as public, as it is used in 'acs-admin'

Mark 'lang::catalog::package_catalog_dir' as public, as it is used in 'acs-admin'

Mark 'lang::util::get_hash_indices' as public, as it is used in 'acs-admin'

Mark 'whos_online::interval' as public, as it is used in 'acs-subsite'

Make a bunch of apm procs public, as they are used in 'acs-admin'.

Could be worth considering moving the ones used only in 'acs-admin' to that package, and making them private again, leaving public only those who may be useful to other packages/applications (i.e. CI/CD logic).

Mark 'apm_application_new_checkbox' as public, as it is used in the site-map

Mark 'sec_get_random_cached_token_id' as public, as it is used in 'acs-subsite'

Mark 'apm_mark_version_for_reload' as public, as it is used in 'acs-automated-testing'

Check also token value in nsv in 'secret_tokens_get' test case

extend tests by porting obsolete test fs_add_file_to_folder to new web testing framework

extend web testing by adding a call to fined a link via link label

previously, we just could follow a link based on a link label

extend regression test

improve comments

    • -4
    • +5
mark deprecated procs as private