• last updated 17 hours ago
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Follow the litmus test suite and address issues reported in the "props" section:

* allow properties expressed in "high unicode" by using the database, rather than the filesystem to store them. (TODO: provide an own data-model, right now I am using persistent client properties)

* return all requested properties, reporting 404 when these properties do not exist

    • -123
    • +127
Cleanup debug

Follow the litmus test suite and improve standard compliance for the "copymove" test section:

- return 204 when trying to copy on an existing resource (by trimming traling slash in the destination path before checking)

- return 409 when one tries to copy/move to a non-existant resource

This makes the "copymove" section pass without warnings

Fix boolean expression, as the permission api will return a generic boolean, not necessarily 1 or 0

Fix query in oacs_dav::children_have_permission_p

Test oacs_dav::children_have_permission_p: this test exposes a bug in the api

Modernize tcl

Make service contract implementation private and replace foreign occurrences

produce error message in the error log, if the parameter value_array_list is not well formed

Whitespace changes

show the amount of questions only if the no_position parameter is not provided

-) the no_position parameter is provided for the composite question form

Prefer the classical procedural api in the installation callbacks for these two packages:

- currently, acs-service-contract (among others) defines database functions with the same number of arguments, but different argument types. The acs::dc facility won't be able to distinguish which is the correct one to pick in this case

- a cicken/egg problem arises when one installs xowiki-portlet alongside the new-portal package, because before a restart the acs::dc methods won't be created yet

Fix typo in test

Complete coverage for the ACS Service Contract 'auth_user_info'

Complete coverage of ACS Service Contract 'auth_sync_retrieve' implementations

Test IMS_Enterprise_v_1p1 implementation of the auth_sync_process Service Contract

Rework parameter check:

the way the if was construed would allow e.g.:

1. a value for EmailRegistrationConfirmationToUserP = 'nottrue' to pass the first if, but fail the second.

2. a value EmailRegistrationConfirmationToUserP = 'false' to be "true" in the first if, but not in the second

In fact, if EmailRegistrationConfirmationToUserP should be a boolean, there is no need to further check the other parameters and variables in the second if. This change is not 100% equivalent to the previous code, but makes it clear that EmailRegistrationConfirmationToUserP should be interpreted as a boolean and fixes these inconsistencies.

Make clear that parameters come from the same subsite

Test implementations of ACS Service Contract 'auth_registration'

This exposes a bug in auth::local::registration::Register where the acs-subsite parameter NotifyAdminOfNewRegistrationsP is fetched from the ad_conn package_id, rather than the subsite_id

Fix signature of service contract implementation, that is defined with 3 and not 4 arguments, complete coverage of the auth_password contract local implementation

Complete coverage of the auth_authentication contract 'local' implementation

file local-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Make service contract implementations private, test them

Whitespace cleanup

Whitespace changes

Kill hamfisted test that might end up deleting unrelated test users

Distinguish between procs defined via plain Tcl and NSF, when querying for the command arguments

Whitespace cleanup

Prefer acs::try_cache where the cache existance cannot be taken for granted (e.g. at upgrade)

Make acs::try_cache more robust to transitional situations during instance upgrade, where the object might exist, but not the method