• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
fix @see references. borken links.

documentation cleanup (fix @see, add -public/-private where needed)

    • -60
    • +4
    • -19
    • +20

    • -17
    • +1
fix dotlrnism

    • -7
    • +8
Added <p> tag around poster.

Merged archive-display and index page, cleaned up admin-links.

add unauthorized page (redirected from index.tcl but was missing)

    • -0
    • +7
update info file

    • -3
    • +3
fix postgresql create and drop scripts

    • -1
    • +2
    • -30
    • +0
initial import

    • -0
    • +189
    • -0
    • +30
    • -0
    • +242
    • -0
    • +60
    • -0
    • +484
    • -0
    • +76
    • -0
    • +83
    • -0
    • +519
    • -0
    • +295
    • -0
    • +21
  1. … 155 more files in changeset.
Forgot this addition to make before_html and after_html work with ad_form

add @see comments for most deprecated functions

display @see comments in procedures. Could be fancier (handle links to docs and urls). save for later. fixes 1713/patch 423

fixed query

Use the existing form builder search widget instead of the user widget I'd created a couple days ago.

Removed the user data type and widget. Instead, I made a simple enhancement to the existing search widget, so we can use that instead.

Attempt to prevent inadvertently uploading bookmarks to

another users account. Bug 1626/patch 326 Cathy Sarisky

(although modified to still allow submission but prominently

display "Not in your account")

Fixed a typo resulting from moving from the template db api to the standard

db api.

    • -1
    • +1
Implemented Tilman's suggestion to automatically back up when the search finds no users.

The useless address confimation pages have been removied thanks to rp_internal_redirect.

The useless address confimation pages have been removied thanks to rp_internal_redirect.

  1. … 16 more files in changeset.
Fixed more package_url problems

Don't use ad_conn package_url in blog.tcl/adp and entry-chunk.tcl/adp, because these can be called without a connection.

Uh-oh, turns out I bumped the version number *down*

Forgot to bump up the version number so the new parameter is picked up by the APM

Parameterized the header background color

Don't nowrap the notification chunk, it's too wide

Added notifications to lars-blogger

    • -0
    • +46
    • -0
    • +30
  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
Added instance_name to the site_node structure, and changed the init_cache and update_cache procs to use column_array, which makes them much simpler.

Added <label for=...>...</label> tags to radio and checkbox widgets ... improves the UI slightly.