• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
removed obsolete flag -include_bio of acs_user::get

    • -2
    • +2
remove obsolete flag "include_bio" from acs_user::get.

provide ad_include_contract for ADP include user-info

prefer acs:test functions over twt

prefer acs::test::user::create over twt variant

Fix adapter source path (many thanks to Markus Moser)

Whitespace changes

improve spelling

    • -3
    • +3
improve spelling

    • -1
    • +1
improve spelling

    • -3
    • +3
    • -1
    • +1
adjust end-of-line conventions

improve spelling

improve spelling

    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
prefer ns_cache_get over ns_cache_keys

improve spelling

change end-of-line convention to usual unix style

prefer "ns_cache_get" over "ns_cache_eval" since the latter might create in case of a miss an empty value in the cache

improve spelling

- adjust to changed results of ns_cache_stats

- add comments and warnings

use 2 partitions by default for xotcl_object_type_cache (ratio: this cache has typically more entries than the object_cache, which has already 2 partitions)

use capitalization consitently

prefer "ns_cache_get" with optional last argument over "ns_cache_keys" since it avoids race conditions

- add a minimal overhead job queue for user tracking, when the atomic "nsv_set -reset ..." is available

- bump version number to 0.51

improve the graph layout by omitting recursive calls

fix version dependencies

try to fix broken link to reasonable values

improve spelling

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.
- switch to common resource downloading infrastructure

- upgrade to CKeditor 4.10.0

- bump version number to 0.18

increase code sharing: use adp-include check-installed instead of local version

- Add support for dowloading archives

- add reusable adp-includes for handling resource downloads

- bump version number to 5.10.0d18

    • -2
    • +2
    • -0
    • +15
    • -0
    • +46
introduce a urnMap in resource_info as a generalizable solution

CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

base cookie consent on new resource infrastructure and remove local solutions