Showing resources subtree only if there is more than one for the given activity.Make it so when clicking a aresource link, the environmnet of its activity is shown.
Moved "bio" back to "person", but with type-specific storage. People canfight over where such things belong on another day, for now keeping it in"person" has the advantage that the Tcl API is 100% unchanged so moving itto type-specific storage won't break .LRN.
Added attributes for "user" columns "screen_name" and "username", as well as thenew "bio" column which replaces the old generic storage attribute assigned to"person".
Added upgrade scripts (Oracle isn't correct, yet), removed bogus attributesql files (PG, for instance, created bio and bio_mime_type but onlydropped bio, Oracle had not bio_mime_type_reference at all).