• last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added support for other sizes than "thumbnail"

HTML cleanup

Added support for avatar size.

Fix to get object_id of the existing resized image

Added message to inform the user that her status has been changed

Title and context cleanup. Pass in the return_url so user is sent back to where she was after submitting.

Fix contexts and page titles.

Set the page title consistently

Improve the layout of the page + i18n of the page title

Added logic to send out the notification in the user language if set, fallback to system one, in case the notification content is i18n'd.

Added color and bg inheritance where necessary so user CSS and HC would render correctly.

fix typo and improve a message

Fix for search implementation

- make sure that form-fields array is always set before used

Fixing the role/user menu lists around the package.

    • -1
    • +1
    • -1
    • +3
    • -1
    • +3
- include labels in forms a shidden fields

- transmit fields linke _name or _nls_langauge always from a form, even if it is set as disabled

Bug #3093 - fixed news feed display for IE7

bug #3103 change to_date to to_timestamp in bulk_mail__new function

Checking version of aolserver for loading nscache module. Not needed anymore for Aolserver 4.5.1

- improve handling of different connection contexts and parent_ids

-upgrade to YUI 2.7.0

- turn off slim-mode for xinha on default (to provide backward compatibility)

- add main styles and lists toolbar buttons to slim mode

- Update of xinha to 0.96 Phoenix beta2 (needed for IE8)

  1. … 110 more files in changeset.
- fix for bug #3168

    • -5
    • +4
fix for bug #3169

    • -7
    • +11
Showing title in a proper way.

    • -3
    • +3
We're not CopperCore, so we don't replace the image by its title.

    • -8
    • +5
Fixing role menu behavior.

    • -1
    • +1
new method for Package "get_page_from_name": simple means to get an object from a page name

new methods for Page "create_form_page_instance": make it easier for app-write to create fully configured pages dynamically

    • -4
    • +13
    • -2
    • +3
Showing resources as list-items in rest of activity types.

    • -3
    • +5