• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- include labels in forms a shidden fields

- transmit fields linke _name or _nls_langauge always from a form, even if it is set as disabled

Bug #3093 - fixed news feed display for IE7

bug #3103 change to_date to to_timestamp in bulk_mail__new function

Checking version of aolserver for loading nscache module. Not needed anymore for Aolserver 4.5.1

- improve handling of different connection contexts and parent_ids

-upgrade to YUI 2.7.0

- turn off slim-mode for xinha on default (to provide backward compatibility)

- add main styles and lists toolbar buttons to slim mode

- Update of xinha to 0.96 Phoenix beta2 (needed for IE8)

  1. … 110 more files in changeset.
- fix for bug #3168

    • -5
    • +4
fix for bug #3169

    • -7
    • +11
Showing title in a proper way.

    • -3
    • +3
We're not CopperCore, so we don't replace the image by its title.

    • -8
    • +5
Fixing role menu behavior.

    • -1
    • +1
new method for Package "get_page_from_name": simple means to get an object from a page name

new methods for Page "create_form_page_instance": make it easier for app-write to create fully configured pages dynamically

    • -4
    • +13
    • -2
    • +3
Showing resources as list-items in rest of activity types.

    • -3
    • +5
Showing resource as list-items in environment.

    • -2
    • +3
Refreshing the environment also on the front view.

Fixing environment-frame refresh.

Removing old references to tdom objects.

Fixing view for other roles and the dynamic refresh of the environment in the cockpit.

Name mismatch in main page.

    • -1
    • +1
Fixing changes of div names.

    • -6
    • +6
Fixing the include of activity-resources for SAs.

Fixing SA query.

- provide means to force a certain name for radio controls

- bump version number

    • -4
    • +4
* added inplace handling n xinha with edit-icons

    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +11
handle cases in get_privilege where is no permissions are defined

- fix for reported user in notification management

- Solving problem for overlaping in changes for some european times.

- Loading more timezones.

Ref: http://alice.wu-wien.ac.at:8000/xowiki/timezone-updgrade

    • -0
    • +30