• last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fix image url to use revision so browser caching won't show the wrong


Added patch to load xotcl-core packages if xotcl-core exists

support the idea of an effective user-id vs. the user-id of the user that posted the message; encode all html chars in the message string

file upgrade-5.0d4-5.0d5.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

Support flushing of messages at night

    • -68
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  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
added support for custom page to accept offer

fixed return urls for offers and invoices, added support for custom page to accept offer

added action link styles to Selva core css

added action link styles to Selva core css

Fixed permission problem

Made sure that the option_id actually has a value

checking auth::UseEmailForLoginP to see if email is used for username, if not then when a users email address is updated the username no longer also updated

add www and tcl files for connections pacakge

    • -0
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    • +14
commit connections package (aka tags) to openacs head, this package uses categories to as tags

    • -0
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    • +23
adding ams.Default

adding support for default values for option widgets (select,radio,checkbox,multiselect)

    • -13
    • +48
    • -3
    • +31
moving a number of queries from ams-procs.tcl to ams-procs-postgresql.xql

enabling text/html extension of multirow so csv export does not containt html formatting

Set coped images live revision.

Fix handling if image is not assigned.

Fix setting of site wide image so it works.

Handle multiple user_ids correctly.

Fix spacing on RML pdf template.

Forgot to cvs add my upgrade file ...

file upgrade-5.2.2-5.2.3b1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

Fixed bug #2745

Fixed "bug" #2646. This code wasn't actually executed since the relevant

table's created explicitly in another script ...

Fixed "bug" #2747. The code was never called and was just a stub that

hadn't been ported to PG, but I removed it so future people with

sharp eyes don't look at it and report the "bug" again.

Fixed bug #2748

file upgrade-5.2.2-5.2.3b1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

Fixed bug #2749.

fix a bug in the term edit and term new features, fixed it so that they use yyyy-mm-dd format in both the form and the xql file, right now when you try to edit a term you get yyyy mm dd instead of yyyy-mm-dd, if you try to enter yyyy-m-dthe validation that checks of start date is earlier than end date fails as it expects yyyy-mm-dd

fix a bug in the term edit and term new features, fixed it so that they use yyyy-mm-dd format in both the form and the xql file, right now when you try to edit a term you get yyyy mm dd instead of yyyy-mm-dd, if you try to enter yyyy-m-dthe validation that checks of start date is earlier than end date fails as it expects yyyy-mm-dd