• last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Enable ns_imap dependent tests only when this is installed.

Delete thread cache variable as well when setting a new locale and use this corrected api to repair broken test

Fix typo

Whitespace cleanup

Proc documentation: use @return when relevant

Apply finer-grained api where appropriate

Whitespace changes

Apply new api where appropriate

Proc documentation: provide a minimal documentation to public procs + use @return when relevant

New utility ad_pad emulating both lpad and rpad tipically available in DBMSs

Provide a minimal documentation to public procs

    • -4
    • +18
Use @return in the proc documentation

Provide a minimal documentation to public procs

Whitespace cleanup

Provide a minimal documentation to public procs

Exploit new api where appropriate

Apply new user api when appropriate

Move the author into the proper ad_proc documentation block

Rework of this tests

- use dict idioms instead of array, so we don't have to unset all the time

- use new user api when appropriate

- fix test when we try to reuse the username of somebody who was previously banned.

This is no longer possible and is now reflected in the test

Deprecate 'person::update_bio' in favor of 'person::update'

Deprecate 'person::name_flush', unnecessary and used nowhere...

Prefer 'person::name' to 'acs_user::get_element ... -name'

Deprecate 'acs_user::get_element' in favor of 'acs_user::get'

Prefer 'person::name' to 'acs_user::get_element ... -name' + Fix arguments: user_id -> person_id

    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
Prefer 'person::name' to 'acs_user::get_element ... -name'

    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
Recommend and use 'person::name' instead of 'acs_user::get_element ... -name' in deprecated proc

    • -4
    • +4
Put get_by_username in the proper cache, handle cases when we delete a user that was not in the cache (in this case we could not retrieve authority and username after deletion)

Prefer 'person::name' to 'acs_user::get_element ... -name'

Remove hotfix and exploit new api, that won't fail on the guest user

Fix typo