• last updated 24 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
added links for changing locale and for installing locales if only one

is present

Added toggle translator mode link

back-porting to 5.0 branch

Jarrko's change pulled in a HEAD only change (subnavbar_link)

Added a couple of noquotes to fix #1164

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Added a couple of noquotes to fix #1164

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
added non-db success test file

added non-db success test file

added handling for subnavbar link text

fix eval of context to avoid potential function evaluation

context bar barfed with site node starting with a -

Replaced the curriculum check with a faster one that has been tested.

put title below context bar

Don't construct URLs in the ADP! Instead, moved the logic of where to go to the logout page itself

A few more I18N tags added to login-status.adp.

Gave site-master.* the I18N treatment. Added a workaround, so the

'Your Account' can both be named as a kernel parameter, or have a proper

translation key.

Got rid of the width specifiers on the top bar, because it was too likely to cause cells to wrap

Added security-debugging page

    • -0
    • +68
Typo in if statement

Backed out of Mohan's change, which backed out my previous change

Oracle9i porting changes

- Changed procedure names from delete to del

- Changed view declaration to use actual column names

- Changed "rel_constraints_violated_one" and "rel_constraints_violated_two"


  1. … 275 more files in changeset.
Added translator mode link to blank-master

Modified the check for curriculum_bar_p. Vinod Kurup bug 840

Fixed bug #823: CSS buttons on Mac

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Adding the ability to display a static html page instead of the installer if there is a database problem - useful for production sites. Must be enabled manually by the admin by renaming a file. Bug #156

    • -0
    • +36
  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Fixed bug #614: Perhaps we should ship with a default robots.txt?

Display admin/devadmin links on the basis of untrusted_user_id, the pages will get validated, anyway

Get rid of the non-standard index page

Added developer's admin

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Moved lists.css to acs-templating/www/resources