olah in OpenACS

- Applied Esti's patch 451 bug 953 (although assignment still does not work).

- Added an after-mount callback that registers the curriculum_filter for the path for the dotlrn instance or acs-subsite under which the curriculum instance is mounted.

- Removed filter pattern parameter.

- Added Categorization.

- Fixed the query on the main admin page.

- Fixed a few message keys that were missing.

Changed ad_register_filter so that it registers the filter immediately in case it is called after server-initialization is completed. This makes it suitable as a drop-in replacement for ns_register_filter.

I forgot to commit the upgrade script for Oracle

Made some changes to allow wf case objects to be plain objects (items worked without problems), see: http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=192465 ... I have not been able to test the upgrade script for Oracle.

Looks like someone snuck in a little 'x' too much.

Using site_node::get_package_url to check for mounted curriculum instances, now that it is implemented with an nsv of url keyed by package key. Lars added this back in mars and I hadn't noticed ...

Using site_node::get_package_url to check for mounted curriculum instances, now that it is implemented with an nsv of url keyed by package key. Lars added this back in mars and I hadn't noticed ...

Typo in parameter call.

Added support for non-automatic aggregator generation for registered users (parameterized). Bug # 1827

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Source the search service contract implementation on install.

Return a URL without '/www' so that links in the search listing points to the correct place.

Fixed a couple of search trigger functions which either didn't work so well or not at all. Static Pages can now be deleted or updated and will be un-indexed or re-indexed respectively.

Cached the 'curriculum_bar_p' call. It gets pretty slow if not cached and there are many classes, subsites, etc ...

Content type was created twice, which caused an error.

Drop views with 'CASCADE' and recreate depending views. http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=177253

Fix for bug #1511

Wrong arg numbering caused cu_curriculum__new to choke.

I forgot this file in yesterday's commit ...

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Fixed a few bugs; assigning of default wf roles and checking of 'abstract' URLs. General clean-up.

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Fixed a few bugs; assigning of default wf roles and checking of 'abstract' URLs. General clean-up.

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  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
Removed duplicate requirement for notifications. Bug #1469 ...

Pulled out the call to get__path from the main query in 'folder-chunk' and added a separate query before that db_multirow - suggested by Dave and Don for scalability reasons.

Added 'root_folder_id' attrib to the 'folder chunk' include because it can't be calculated when the include is called from the portlet.

Added Jeff's tDom check and a couple of related and unrelated changes to config.tcl.

Making impl.new use named parameters. (Marklund did this in the user portion, so I think it should be changed here as well. With some luck it fixes bug #1218.)

Need to provide a package_id whether there is one or several curriculum instances. When there was one instance and no package_id was provided, the right id could not be fetched ...

Made the returned template depend on whether a "template" attrib is provided from an (portlet) include or not. Fixes a stupid bug.

Added a query file for Oracle that was missing ...

file dotlrn-curriculum-procs-oracle.xql was initially added on branch dotlrn-2-0.

Put the same check that is already in site-master.tcl/adp into dotlrn-master.tcl/adp.

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