• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
increment version number to get the changes in procedures and xql files

adding variable in the optional list

adding procedure to get all the subprojects for one project_item_id

Make the main project page pick up the date formatting.

Fix error in creating tasks

I think it makes way more sense to have comments content displayed by

default. If this doesn't work for your clients we should create a

parameter for it.

If contacts isn't installed have the customers link take you to the organizations package

Don't display reports unless invoices are installed. (At least until non-invoice reports are written)

Make project page default to all projects you are assigned to rather then an empty list

Fix task label, Make first column of portlets on the task page more narrow since the most information will be conveyed through the main task portlet

Change capitalization for consistency

    • -1
    • +1
Carry the page variable through all the portlets so task paging works

Fix application_data_link upgrade routine from 5.1

    • -2
    • +41
Added bulk closing of tasks along with new I18N strings

    • -1
    • +10
    • -1
    • +3
    • -0
    • +38
fixing is_observer_filter

Change the default behaviour of some parameters to something more appropriate

changed so it displays the end_date

Added support for showing subprojects in the projects include. Added pagination to it, did some performance tuning, removed join with tasks table

    • -1
    • +8
    • -1
    • +2
More documentation for the tasks include

Added support for observers filter

increment version number to get changes in code

new include to show all projects for the sent party_id

    • -0
    • +6
    • -0
    • +210
    • -0
    • +46
new include that shows all tasks a party_id is participating in across all project-manager instances

    • -0
    • +1
    • -0
    • +382
    • -0
    • +139
making changes in tasks include to work correctlry with the filters

changin the name of the sent varaible

making changes in tasks include to work correctlry with the filters

fixing broked link

adding new parameter to Hide watchers in assignee list for task-assignee-portlet and assignee-portlet

making changes to show title red where current date is grather than latest_start or end_date

making changes to show the project title in task-one and task-print files