• last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added comment about scalability

I18n bug

bugfix: forgot to wrap the site-wide-admin-toggle link in a dotlrn_user_p if statement in my last commit

the toggle-site-wide-admin link was duplicated, removing one of them. Indenting the bottom link section

collapsing I18N message keys for easier translation

message key collapsing to make translation easier

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
collapsing keys on the user bulk upload page to keys that are better translatable


fixing bug 895. Changing nuke link to be called delete (since that what it really is). Making the user-nuke page work with PG

    • -0
    • +14
    • -0
    • +12
Add focus

adding link to /acs-admin on dotlrn admin index page

No bars on dimensional -- it was messed up, anyway

Made current site-wide admin status more obvious

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Noquote bug

Fixed bug #779: typo - list_of_user/list_of_users/list_of_user_ids

no-quoting widget and context bar on user-search page

making sure the portrait shows up on the community member page. Fixing noquote issue on dotlrn user admin page

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Added focus

noquote fixes

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
merging dotlrn-1-0-1 tag down onto head. Thanks to Jarkko Laine and Mohan Pakkurti for all the help. See comments at http://openacs.org/storage/download/index?version_id=104101

  1. … 107 more files in changeset.
two problems: the emails and passwords being processed weren't being appended to the proper list so no email notifications were being sent, and the wrong variable was being used for the login in the email so each person was sent the login name for the last user in the CSV file

1. Added install.xml file which will automatically install and configure

dotLRN (if the dotLRN release tarball is constructed properly)

2. Added the .LRN graphic from Collaboraid, to replace the MIT/Sloan

graphic, and made dotlrn-master.tcl prefer .jpg files over .gifs

in order to make it work.

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
Fixed bug #214 so we consistently check the 'read_private_data' flag on the main /dotlrn package

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Fixed bug #309: bombs on long name

setting maxlength of 20 for text field for term name that has that length in db

Jarkko fixed a bug where the context bar had hard-coded Classes instead of using teh classes_pretty_plural parameter

Switched to ad_form added error messages for end date before start date

(tweaked message in term-new.tcl)

Rewrote to ad_form and added valid term date check.

the maxlength for pretty_name needs to be 100 on the edit page as well as the new page

fixing bug 273 by making sure that the dotlrn users admin page doesn't non-dotlrn users that haven't verified their emails yet (they need to verify their emails to complete their registration before they can be added to dotlrn)