• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
fixing search condition type of a search in a different search, and allowing people to bind to their own queries as well as public queries

    • -13
    • +26
adding contact::contact_form_after_submit callback that is acted up at the very end of processing the contact add and edit forms. I need the information from the form to be in the database so the other callbacks (which run before then) wouldn't work

adding missing package_id parameter to parameter::get in ontact::message::mailing_address_attribute_id_priority

Got employee search to work

    • -1
    • +2
Fixed p.party_id. Should be parties.party_id

adding employee search type and performance tuning a number of search queries

    • -1
    • +3
Removing unnecessary joins with cr_items and cr_revisions if not in a search

More performance tuning on relationships and the contact__name procedure

    • -1
    • +2
    • -1
    • +2
    • -12
    • +30
    • -0
    • +30
Make sure it works with revision_ids as well

creating application data links merge code

adding contacts/lib/merge page, reference in index.vuh and callback so that contacts can be merged

adding hide_form_p variable to hide the comment form (if specified by the include statement in a page)

adding template::util::contact_search::contact_option proc so that what is displayed in the search dropdown can be customized by replacing that one proc and doing related changes to the contact search template widget

    • -18
    • +38
Improved contact counts

added bcc and cc

Split employee procs away. added employee::direct_phone

    • -0
    • +431
adding package_id to get_ams_list_ids so that other packages can search on a particualr contacts instance

    • -2
    • +2
Cleaned up email sending

Added Fax Template

returning party as default object_type if a search_id is specified that is not valid

modifying attribute extend callback to use the new contact::util::get_ams_list_ids proc

adding limitation to attribute search condition type so that only attributes the user has read permission on for this package instance are returned as search options

    • -7
    • +22
Adding contact::util::get_ams_list_ids proc to simplify retrieval of the ams list_ids a user has a certain privilege to see

making switch_roles_p work and adding pretty complaint if no contacts were selected

    • -0
    • +8
New messages for contacts

    • -1
    • +71
    • -10
    • +9
Added new version of oo_mailings that support sending an e-mail if you generated multiple mailings at once for printing

adding labels to list elements, this is useful for customized csv export procs that include labels instead of element names as teh column headings

adding relationship 'with ___ is (not) ___' search condition so that people can easily search for all contacts related in a certain way to one specific contact (without having to search for rel with contact in search), and fixing 'relationship in search' search conditions

    • -7
    • +54
adding relationship with ___ is ___ search condition messages

    • -0
    • +4
Changed buld delete