• last updated 12 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
I hate it if a customer cannot send me UTF8. Though this is now a good example that you can actually use iso templates

new messages

    • -18
    • +30
We should probably write an ooconversion package, but instead it is just in contacts. Added two new methods for conversion. Especially the cognovis version is fun :)

Removed the early redirection

Delete a user if he is deleted in contacts

Changed the converter to make use of jooconvert instead of OpenOffice printing

Fixed a minor error

Added own editing of contacts

Fixed the sweeper and made sure we are not relying on .LRN

Added user_change_p. Added preliminary documentation

    • -4
    • +53
    • -0
    • +1
added option to edit your own contact information

Added admin interface for the possibility of the user to change his own record. This is still beta

    • -0
    • +40
made sure the date is 24hour clock

Added sending of bcc and cc

Added link to billable projects

Made sure the labels contain the company and other information like the extended compnay information

    • -61
    • +156
The sweeper needs to run with a package_id

Move creation of the contact to the background

Allow the club to be recreated if an error occured previously

Fixed the checks for email and letter to be run only when we are actually sending the message, not when we try to send one

Made sure we add the company in the address for labels

Get the sorting right and fast for relationships

    • -1
    • +1
Added more information to the complaint list

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    • -0
    • +29
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    • +17
Made sure the revision of the person/organization gets the package_id correctly set to contacts

Rewrote the search so you could search for an employee with the attributes of the organization but still have the employee in a search

Added additional question when the object that is to be added in a relationship can be both a person or an organization, so we know which one to add

No need for having the where clause

    • -4
    • +1
Removed the counting in the search overview as you might have searches that take ages to run and you want to be able to find and delete them

Performance tuning of the relationship portlet. This is now mainly handled on the webserver side, not anymore on the database, resulting in faster overall performance

    • -14
    • +5
The secondary object type can sometimes be a party, sadly though the system only checked if it was of the type of the new created contact.