• last updated 20 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
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Changeset MAIN:donb:20030313175557:12 does not match your current filter (clear filter).

file add.gif was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

file bold-button.gif was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

    • binary
file underline-button.gif was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

    • binary
file right.gif was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

file radiochecked.gif was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

    • binary
1. created /acs-subsite/www/shared/images for images that need to be

readable by all who can read the main subsite

2. changed existing references to /acs-subsite/www/shared/*.gif

3. made acs-datetime use these instead of /doc/acs-datetime/pics so

it is no longer necessary to grant broad read privs to the /doc

package in order to see calendar left/right arrow widgets etc

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
Merged over the richtext buttons from HEAD

Added buttons for the richtext widget

    • binary
Added checkbox and radio button gifs for use by the new formbuilder enhancements

    • binary
merge from oacs-4-6

  1. … 127 more files in changeset.
moving send-email to acs-subsite

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Date/time/number localization

  1. … 84 more files in changeset.
fix some spelling errors

  1. … 23 more files in changeset.
Updated to use acs-reference/ref-countries

Sloan changes:

* added reference to RegisterRestrictToSSLFilters for RestrictToSSL param

* add ? to redirect in login-expired (to get through badly configured

proxies I assume)

* trims on args to basic-info-update, stub for url

* redirect on community-member page if CommunityMemberURL has

be changed in the subsite.

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
ns_return->ad_return, ad_script_abort, redirect to absract urls

  1. … 59 more files in changeset.
cleanup javadoc tags (eg @cvs_id @cvs @cvs-id: instead if @cvs-id)

  1. … 691 more files in changeset.
remove superfluous package local masters and use sitewide master by default

  1. … 688 more files in changeset.
pass context_bar and title to master template, cleanup some html

  1. … 43 more files in changeset.
show object creation date rather than user creation date fixes bug 1607

Removed 1pixel.tcl.orig and 1pixel.tcl.rej as these are files created by patch and shouldn't be in the repository

template for reporting a single error back to the user

Merged with OpenACS 4.5 beta1 branch.

  1. … 84 more files in changeset.

Applied Lars Pind's patch #175 - the header and trailer files were missing

and the Tcl file wasn't using the right path.

file 1pixel.footer was initially added on branch oacs-4-5.

file 1pixel.tcl.rej was initially added on branch oacs-4-5.

file 1pixel.tcl.orig was initially added on branch oacs-4-5.

file 1pixel.header was initially added on branch oacs-4-5.

1. Changed a lot of package info files to fix problems ...

2. Added Vinod's bboard patch

3. Rationalized party e-mail checking by putting a "before insert or update"

trigger on the table that lower-cases email (this was already done by the

party.new() func but at least one update missed this). Got rid of all

"lower(email) = " and "upper(email) = " checks and just made all use the

db email column directly and lower-cased Tcl vars. In this way the index

on the email column is always and consistently used without needing to

define functional indexes on the column (an EE feature for Oracle).

4. Rationalized naming of a couple of workflows and fixed a glossary PG bug

where apparently its workflow got overwritten by one from the CMS at some

point in time.

5. Made the .cmp/.dat/.frm filters in the template code usable though not

very beautiful nor exactly correct. But with practice you can use them

to debug pages in the packages/* hierarchy. I also turned these off by

default as there's no need to run these filters on a production site!

6. Performed minor surgery on templating, including adding a new

"ad_return_exception_template" that allows you to return a templated

error page and aborts the script.

7. ??? probably but I think this covers most stuff.

  1. … 73 more files in changeset.

Added a simple database error template that can be used instead of
