• last updated a few minutes ago
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Fixed some minor acs-lang stuff and a few noquote things.

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
noquote changes (Dirk Gomez)

    • -1
    • +1
  1. … 90 more files in changeset.
noquote changes (Dirk Gomez)

  1. … 53 more files in changeset.
A variety of changes that add up to making outlook synchronization work

with PostgreSQL (at all) and Oracle (better).

1. Changed calendar to read SystemTimezone rather than hardwire it to


2. Made calendar depend on acs-lang since that's where the param lives.

3. Fixed the query on the acs-lang page that lets you set the timezone

(used the Oracle-ism UNIQUE rather than the standard DISTINCT)

4. Saw that the test stuff doesn't work and got rid of the links on the

index page - people can live without testing it for this release (we

should fix it for 4.7)

5. Fixed timezone__local_to_utc so it works with calendar, though it's

very whacky (shifted so the timezone'd date part is the UTC date, would

be much much better to use timestamp without timezone but PG doesn't

accept that syntax for function returns and we're not ready to drop

PG 7.2 support yet so I can't take advantage of the timestamp/timestamptz

type names, sigh)

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
allowing for 3 character ISO 639-2 language codes

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
fix current_time rather than current_timestamp bugs

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
making timezone related pages in acs-lang check for the support of timezones (whether ref-timezones is installed)

removing outdated release notes

removing debug printout

fixed mistake in regsub for listing of message lookups for a key

let's not double quote messages (some have HTML in them) in textareas (the form builder quotes for us)

adding file

    • -0
    • +93
adding timezone support, adding auditing of edited messages, adding package scoped locale preference and package scoped locale

    • -12
    • +0
    • -0
    • +20
    • -0
    • +32
    • -0
    • +4
    • -0
    • +13
    • -0
    • +18
  1. … 26 more files in changeset.
merge from oacs-4-6

  1. … 110 more files in changeset.
Fixed errors in hidden fields that caused the form to not process.

changing from an old deprecated locale proc to using ad_conn locale

removing two links (thanks Carl) from the acs-lang admin interface that were mostly used as a convenience during development

changing the return_url handling

adding batch editing with pagination that allows multiple messages to be translated by translator on one page, added context bar to admin ui, added HTML quoting of messages, various other minor improvements

    • -0
    • +27
    • -0
    • +106
    • -7
    • +51
    • -1
    • +13
    • -2
    • +2
    • -4
    • +14
Adding links to message catalog translation UI from site-wide admin page and from the locale preference page for users, adding explaining text to translation UI

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
removed the locale master template that the acs-lang admin pages were using

    • -6
    • +2
adding translator mode with translation links, adding support for interpolated variables in adp files, bugfixes, removing site-wide locale from the change locale page

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
improving context bar handling, master template, and other minor improvements

    • -3
    • +3
    • -2
    • +2
    • -28
    • +29
  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
removing debugging code

Splitting up the message keys into package_key and message_key in the datamodel, adding a message key table, changing format of catalog files to be xml based, cleaning up tcl API and its documentation, adding acs-automated-testing tests that test some catalog and message TCL procs

    • -71
    • +40
    • -6
    • +6
    • -53
    • +40
    • -134
    • +0
    • -41
    • +42
    • -90
    • +0
  1. … 18 more files in changeset.
removing tilde file

Collaboraid: adding namespaces to the TCL API, adding new procedures for extracting keys from adp pages and parsing keys embedded in text, adding a translation web UI that was used at Greenpeace (at www/admin) and making it work with PostgreSQL, moving the old pages under www to be under www/admin/test, making the lang_messages table use locale rather than language, added upgrade scripts

    • -0
    • +20
    • -0
    • +56
  1. … 97 more files in changeset.
fix calls to empty_string_p with missing $

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
Added index page

A bunch of "ACS"->"OpenACS" and similar changes

  1. … 27 more files in changeset.