
  • last updated 2 hours ago
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commit to HEAD of merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20040724 and jcd-merge-5-1-20050111

  1. … 2275 more files in changeset.
Applied patch #619.Fixes timezone problem with format

Added a workaround for a bug in Tcl 8.3 on solaris that causes int() to throw an 'integer value too large to represent' error when used on negative decimal numbers

Fix for timezone query: gmt_offset is text, not integer

Cleaned up the UI

  1. … 48 more files in changeset.
1. Added search for words in messages feature.

2. Added locale enable/disable feature

3. Cleaned up translation UI

4. Improved batch message edit

  1. … 41 more files in changeset.
making timezone related pages in acs-lang check for the support of timezones (whether ref-timezones is installed)

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
adding timezone support, adding auditing of edited messages, adding package scoped locale preference and package scoped locale

    • -0
    • +57
  1. … 40 more files in changeset.