• last updated 19 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
file aolserver4.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-0.

merge of changes on oacs-5-0 branch to oacs-5-0-0b4 tag

  1. … 584 more files in changeset.
improving Oracle recovery instructions a little by pointing out sensitivity to database user and tablespace names and by adding the FULL=Y switch

add some xreflabels, fix formatting on programlisting thing i broke, make assumptions a table rather than a figure and give it a more explicit title

clean up install-guide/overview, bring openacs-overview.html and mention healthy community around software, add a section on nxml-mode in docs

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
finished updating recovery

Make AOLserver and PostgreSQL all follow same case, clean up compat matrix some, add pg7.4 as untested for 5.0.0 (Guan Yang has installed on 7.4 so it seems to work), add comment on 7.4 and 9i status, remove unused version of compatability.xml

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
small typo on init.d script name: postgres rather than postgresql

updated upgrading, added auto-test best practices

  1. … 108 more files in changeset.
Switch to DocBook 4.2

Add a lint target in Makefile which uses xmllint to validate source.

Add index generation to fo.xsl and openacs.xsl.

fix messed up use of literallayout.

Fix xrefs in permissions-tediously-explained.xml

Repair authorblurb which I broke.

Switch some tables w/o titles to informaltable

fix rollback-database xref.

  1. … 47 more files in changeset.
fix a few last validation errors. add note about -Xmx flag for FOP.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
fix ulink using href rather than url

remove broken ad email addresses, fix links, talk about forums instead of bboard

  1. … 32 more files in changeset.
doc fixes

  1. … 58 more files in changeset.
cleaned up

irc link should be to freenode.net now

modified tutorial

  1. … 107 more files in changeset.
wal_files is no longer a legal option as of pg7.3 so removed from doc

tclwebtest changes

added auto-install script

  1. … 59 more files in changeset.
*** empty log message ***

  1. … 67 more files in changeset.
new pictures

  1. … 58 more files in changeset.
doc tweaks

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
changed postgres to 7.3.4

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
cleaning up installation docs for 5.0

  1. … 100 more files in changeset.
doc fixes

  1. … 62 more files in changeset.
updated docs for 5.0.0 alpha

  1. … 100 more files in changeset.
assorted little things

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
typo in path to i386-glibc21-linux-env.sh

fixed tdom link

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.