• last updated 12 mins ago
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Added comments about using backports for Debian stable.

According to Jeff no flags are needed for 7.4.5, therefore I changed the documentation accordingly

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Copied the postgres ./configure statement

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Improved the tdom install.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
New versions for aolserver & postgresql

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Added information on ns_ldap bind

Remove extra * from crontab in backup section.

Fix path for upgrading or adding a single package.

Fix a fairly serious bug in the upgrade docs which would result in importing

the entire openacs CVS repository into your local CVS repository (if you

have a local repository which local customizations).

Add link to updating your local files when installing a package.

Added link to binary installers for evaluation purposes.

Added a link to documentation on how to upgrade an Oracle OpenACS 4.6.3 to 5.

Added in more explanation about adding yourself to unix groups.

Resolves bug 2095, nsoracle.so vs ora8.so bug.

Recommend Aolserver 4.08, Postgres 7.4.5 instead of 7.4.1, minor

changes to compilation of nspostgres.

Added section on PAM Radius, thanks to Nima.

Removed bison from the list of required docs, as per


Applying patch 583 for bug 2044: Updates individual programs to correct

version requirements. Courtesy of Eduardo Perez.

Fixes bug 1721: removed nsrewrite and spurious ln -s

Applying patch 582 for bug 2043: Aolserver 3.3oacs1 support is deprecated.

Rewrote part of the upgrade files section: removing the option to

import from a tarball (because packages are no longer included, so it

doesn't help people upgrade packages, and because the entire section

was getting confusing with too many options). In general, explained

things a bit more.

Added documentation on how to mount a package, how to set permissions,

and how to configure parameters for a package.

Added a section on installing packages, and stubs for configuring and

mounting packages.

Fixed lots of minor errors. Reformatted and rewrote part of the

introduction to the section on upgrading files.

merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20040628 and jcd-merge-5-1-20040712 to HEAD

  1. … 116 more files in changeset.
SSL docs didn't describe editing the etc/daemontools/run file

adjustments for OpenACS 5.1.1 release, including release numbers and help text.

  1. … 196 more files in changeset.
fix a couple little markup glitches

Added more detail into the Deployment with CVS section. Still rough.

Modified a few locations that had older 4.6 references.