• last updated 16 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
making utf-8 default in AOLserver config file

changing ServerSessionCache to default to true. Fixinb bug 1336

Some parameters where still using the /web directory instead of . Found in http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=171712.

fixed a few more bash bugs

reduced list of default DIRECTIORIES

added tcl deployment script

the read_private_data_p form input widget is now named guest_p

added deployment script

fixed several bugs

merge of all changes on oacs-5-0 branch between tag openacs-5-0-0-final and jcd-merge-pre503 (except those in lars-blogger).

  1. … 292 more files in changeset.
adding the server_description parameter. Moving the report_scp_target parameter

adding server_description to the xml report

adding config parameter report_scp_target

optionally copying the install xml report to a certain directory with scp. Using new config param report_scp_target

adding a comment about the new up value of the do_checkout parameter

adding ability for install scripts to do cvs update of a server instead of a from scratch checkout (saving bandwidth and time)

    • -0
    • +51
commented out nsrewrite

added aolserver 4 port 80 run comment

fixed directory/newer bug

Add tDAV tcl library to oacs-dav package. Add tDAV configuration to sample

config file.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
adding keepalive scripts

    • -0
    • +9
    • -0
    • +57
added rolling backup option and empty space checks

added oracle error log length field as per http://openacs.org/bugtracker/openacs/bug?bug%5fnumber=1290

added mailhost param, commented out

made utf-8 the default charset for everything

added aolserver 4 -b comments

put back loop_count variables from 1.19 that got killed in 1.20 and 1.21

removing obsolete crawl_links parameter from config file

adding back Tcl API and HTTP testing config sections that Joel removed by mistake from the config file

lots of extra comments

merge of changes between oacs-5-0-0b4 and oacs-5-0-0-final to HEAD

  1. … 284 more files in changeset.
added a bit of error handling for daemontools linking and a warning if

you aren't doing checkout