• last updated 21 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added new payment gateway and related modules

added acs-mail-lite and bulk-mail

adding calendar to modules list

acs-reference, not acs-references...

Added acs-references to acs-core.

Sigh, it's never easy, is it? acs-events again

Added the acs-events package ...

Added intermedia-driver ...


Added acs-automated-testing...

*** empty log message ***

*** empty log message ***

*** empty log message ***

*** empty log message ***

*** empty log message ***

Added a bunch of non-core packages, defined shorthand names for them

(the package name without the directory path within cvsroot).

Added "acs-core" alias.

initial checkin

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.