• last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Removing members now requires user_id, not rel_id, because we may need to remove more than one rel

Remove both membership_rel and admin_rel when removing members

Also offer to add users who already have an admin_rel, but no membership_rel

Made relation_add not bomb with stupid 'can't read rel_id: no such variable' error when relation already exists

- Added group::remove_member proc

- Fixed group::add_member, so if you're adding a non-membership_rel member, we also add a membership_rel

Bug in bug-tracker workflow: 'allowed_role', not 'allowed_roles'

- Added database field length checks.

Added test case for ad_html_security_check_href_allowed

TODO note

Sending a message

adding ability to upload documents to the porfolio of a simulation case

We can now work the case, execute actions, etc. Messages still not being sent

::get_enabled_action API

More simplay

More simplay

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
adding porfolio listing on the case page

    • -0
    • +1
    • -0
    • +42
    • -0
    • +1
    • -0
    • +42
Check for initial action, check that initial action changes state

Swapped tasks and messages

Instantiation, naming cases, fixing minor issues

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
debugging simulation start and was able to intantiate a template for the first time

Adding the __new, __name, and __name functions for the sim_case object type. giving drop scripts same structure as create scripts.

Create sim-case object when auto-casting

Sim case objects

    • -0
    • +42
sim_case is an acs_object, not a CR item

fixing table comment that we forgot to change when renaming table

adding proc party::approved_members

making the autocast proc work with multiple groups per role and the new array format of role_party_mappings

adding the sim_case content type

Fixed autocast proc after code review -- still just one group per role, though

Added util::randomize_list, including automated test case