- Added Tcl API workflow::case::delete- fixed bug in PL/SQL implementation of workflow_case.delete/workflow_case__delete.- added @see to workflow::case::insert.
removing commit rights for ben, arjun, and elorenzo who are inactive. Adding commit rights for simonc (Simon Carstensen) who is working with Collaboraid now and needs to commit new RSS and blogger related code
Modified xml/kernel/permissions-design.xml and regenerated the htmlfile (don't know why our makefile recreates each html file when youonly change one xml file)
major filtering, UI, and usability improvements on user index page by Lars, porting of datamodel to PG. Jarkko did some porting of admin pages. The PG port is not done yet.
adding a .LRN context bar that aids navigation on pages within applications mounted under classes and communities. TODO: provide the context bar also for application under the main dotlrn instance at /dotlrn (My Files, My Calendar etc.). This commit largely fixes bug 391.