• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
removing access_level column, it is the equivalent of the dotlrn_browse permission

    • -10
    • +5
    • -13
    • +1
  1. … 12 more files in changeset.
bringing info files up to date

    • -0
    • +13
displaying faq questions if there is only 1 faq

fixed flat presentation and responses to responses

    • -1
    • +5
fixed flat presentation and responses to responses

    • -1
    • +1
    • -2
    • +3
    • -0
    • +44
    • -1
    • +5
begun PG port

added beginning of PG port

fixes for group archiving

added adding file/url links in the portlet

fix enrollment policy procs and have subcomm's default to the parent comm's policy

be careful with possible members of a subcommunity that are already pending approval

fixing "My Groups" portlet and subgroups portlet

small fix for archive stuff

adding archive stuff

    • -0
    • +3
    • -0
    • +43
    • -0
    • +38
    • -0
    • +17
use portal::add_element_parameters instead of add_element

using get_role_pretty_plural for titles

adding get_role_pretty_plural proc

use bash instead of sh

minor ui

fixed requires

fix hidden_element_list caching. set util_memoize to max_age 1 to fake per-conn caching

Took out Oracle support for ETP as it doesn't work.

Added -extend, a -edit_request block, other stuff ...

fix bug in revert due to multiple fs_content_portlets with the same datasource_id, use the pretty_name to disambiguate

added time warning

remove subgroups from list of communities in preferences page

fixed role pretty name in list of pending memberships

provide faq so that faq will work

adding back extra_params i took out in a fit of silliness

fixing community tree