• last updated 21 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- Added a TODO

- Added code to automatically add the initial action

Make all tabs available all the time, when in dev_sim (almost - still need to refactor code)

Added a file to hold our base javascript library

Making wizards work in casting mode

working on mockups

anonymous users should only be allowed to access index page and the object view page

permission testing for the anonymous user and comments describing permission testing for the other users

Fixed action-permission bug: workflow::action::get_assigned_role had changed from returning role_id to returning role short_name

modified task table to make states clearer

UI tweaks and TODO edits

Commit of latest siminst wizard stuff

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
adding the Legislative Drafting demo template from Peter. Breaking some code out into Tcl procs to avoid duplication

Added Copy icon

    • binary
    • binary
Tightened the display of formgroup tables, there was too much whitespace

Changed ad_quotehtml to use "string map", which is faster than the old

regexp approach. Thanks to Daniel Mantione...

TODO's and title attributes

Improved developer-support, including stylesheet

Improved developer-support, including the way it's integrated into the site masters

Cleaned-up, templated, and improved developer-support

Made templated server error page more robust against errors during parsing of the error page template

More wizard

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
adding template created from spec to demo data script

Removing obsolete pages

adding one test user in each of the permission groups. Factoring add_user and add_user_to_group out into Tcl procs

- Killed the automatic handling of back-buttons in the wizard, since it causes the form to not save changes when you hit back

- Allowed 'wizard get_current_step' to take an optional starting step, which can depend on the state

More tabs

More wizard

adding after-mount and before-unmount callbacks that set up the permission groups for a simulation package instance

added help text

integrity violation fix for acs_object__delete function. Making it delete matching acs_permission.grantee_id records in addition to the object_id ones. Bumping version of kernel to 5.0.0b5