• last updated 3 hours ago
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Made this auto-mounted package a singleton so it doesn't show up in the

"mount application" select list. There's no good reason to mount it more

than once anyway that either daveb or I could come up with.

Revert to previous acs-core alias with full paths.

Remove non module directoies from acs-core alias

Adding the rest of the core modules as actual modules.

More work on acs-core

Trying to fix acs-core alias

add a common key: Permissions

fix laundry list of bugs in content repository copy code.

duplicate version of the 11arg content_folder__new

copy_creation_ip rather than copy__creation_ip in content_revision__copy

content_folder__copy did not preserve context_id properly

content_item__copy2 had a bunch of unused varaibles -- removed them.

content_item__copy now preserves live_revision so things which copy an

item with a live revision to not have to explicitly publish the new copy

(which eg file storage did not do).

content_revision__copy did an insert into acs_objects without specifying

column names which breaks on a new install since the order is not as expected.

use copy_folder for moving folders

Add content_keyword__del to match oracle pl/sql.

Add define_function_args calls for content-keyword.sql.

Add basic tests for content::keyword apis.

adding notes about future modifications

1. Removed unused file

2. Added rdbms tag to postgres .xql files

add a couple extra callbacks to make tests not fail after the first run (when the callbacks it thinks should not be defined actually are defined since we have been through once

Fix proc name, should br cr::keyword::delete

add a navigation::package_admin callback and an implementation for forums and the lib include to generate html

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switch to richtext for charter

add a few message keys

daveb spotted that the quoting was wrong for the on_fail arg, \r not stripped

removing -ping; fixes bug #2253

removing -ping; fixes bug #2253

fix markup, make @see /file/path/foo.tcl, @see /doc/db-api.html @see http://openacs.org/foo work

have forum-create take the id flag so we can easily perm after create

Renamed a mis-named variable.

Re-removing stray 'end', introduced by victorg's commit.

Switch to RTE for richtext html editor.

commit the 20050304 version of rte from http://www.kevinroth.com/ + patches from Xarg to make it work properly on safari and degrade correctly for the richtext widget (requires that a second input box be rendered for the content type html/text/etc). Also renames the View source button to 'edit html' which is what it is and moves it top right with the other edit widgets

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  1. … 26 more files in changeset.
apply patch 654 to make cop-ui work with current head from Orzenil Silva Junior. Thanks\!

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Check permission before deleting calendar item. Fix bug#2319. Patch#642

from Esti Alvarez

minor fix: move_name should have been move__name

upgrade to fix bug in content_folder__move and add the integer,integer version used in content_item__move; bump to 5.2.0d13. thanks daveb