• last updated 7 hours ago
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file upgrade-4.6.2-4.6.3.sql was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

1. Fixed a type mismatch problem in acs-messaging for PostgreSQL that was

ignored by versions before 7.3 and therefore had been missed.

2. Fixed a problem in static pages regarding misunderstanding of how

nsv_array set works by someone who worked on it at some point.

3. Fixed a typo in static pages for PostgreSQL (misspelled function


4. Fixed a typo in a query in survey.

changes to our default master: 1) Making it take a doc_type property so that packages can choose for example to change from 4.01 transitional (default) to XHTML 1.0 2) Checking that the default master validates as both 4.01 transitional and XHTML 1.0 strict 3) indenting the the html more properly

    • -19
    • +26
changing title of the default start page from Contratulations to ad_system_name. Seems more reasonable given that far from everybody replaces the start page immediately.

file upgrade-4.6.2-4.6.3.sql was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

Changed a minor bug regarding the definition of user_tab_comments, bumped

to 4.6.3 and added an upgrade script (we may not release a 4.6.3 but if we

do, we're ready!)

file maintenance.xml was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

file Makefile was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

assorted bug fixes and fixed missing files

  1. … 78 more files in changeset.
checking in indexing per thread patch from tils

updating CVS to make sure latest changes are in

    • -3
    • +14
Started custom form widget doc. It still needs much work.

small bug in signing hidden vars

bugfix on section handling in templating broke form generation

    • -5
    • +9
file qmail.rc.txt was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

added missing upgrade and qmail.rc.txt files

  1. … 60 more files in changeset.
Updated developer's guide.

clarifying in ad_form documentation that the form block must be extended to completion before the action blocks such as select_query are defined

extensions to support editing multiple cr items simultaneously

    • -1042
    • +1207
adds signed hidden vars. dont emit value on option list if value and label match

is_valid_child needs relation to determine if its a valid child. needs upgrade script

Removed the commented out version.

fix by Jarkko of bug 434

Merging fixed from oacs-4-6

Bump info file version to coincide with upgrade script

Adding upgrade file for change is pl/pgsql functions

file upgrade-1.2-1.3.sql was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

Changed varchar(400) variable declaration to varchar in pl/pgsql functions.

sorting the package select query on the start page so that the grouping by initial_install_p works

fix hardcoded security_context_root of 0