• last updated 24 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fix remember me checkbox. Conditionally set login cookie discard_p setting based on value of the remember me checkbox when creating or renewing the login cookie.

- moved test to regression tests, extended tests

    • -2
    • +52
- make sure, that resolve_package_path returns always 2nd argument set

- avoid warning messages when not necessary

    • -2
    • +6
- generalize code

Fixed nagging problem with bogus package key being passed to add-applications-2.

    • -2
    • +2
    • -3
    • +4
various code revisions, still working on qf_choice and qf_choices, all untested

fixing bad test. string match glob doesnt work for this scenario, replacing with regexp

adding donb's 1.26 revsion back in.. I accidently overwrote it.

- fix naviserver/aolserver incompatibility

Fix passing HTML in url variable and use util_user_message instead

- don't call costly ad_html_text convert when not needed

    • -2
    • +3
add drop table cascade

- make sure to use uplevel with just one argument

- small optimization

    • -5
    • +6
UML-Graphs: use correct arrowhead, draw multiple-inheritance correctly, label instance-of relations

- added missing instvar statement for package_id in widget_spec_from_folder_object

    • -2
    • +3
- generated UM diagrams: don't show siblings of a class if there are more than 5 siblings; otherwise new versions of dot seem to loop

- reduce verbosity

- store objects in the state before initialize_loaded_object in the cache to save memory

- remove escaped "-p" flag

Upgrade scripts for changes on object metadata creation (adding automatic

table and column creation to base objects as well as CR object, object views,


- flush cache of template_file before refetch

- use table names for all attributes

    • -3
    • +3
- change rendering of links to missing content

Fix unterminated XML tags for required

Templating stuff was moved to core recently (by me), in 5.6.0d1, so I've

removed it from this package and made it dependent on the proper version of

acs-templating. I've tagged the previous version of the package as being


- take care, when cache entry are already gone

- report entry size

- make ad_proc instantiate_page_from_id more intelligence (let package decide, what kind of init is needed)

    • -17
    • +30