• last updated 38 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Adding new listfilters-form tag to generate a dynamic form to specify filter criteria for listbuilder lists.

Adding listed-filters listfilter style to show a nice summary of choosen filterswith a remove link for each one.

Removed unneeded bullshit files

adding the plus pic

making with-control work

    • -0
    • +25
removing useless field from the classes table

adding with_control_p to the table of the classes

withcontrol attributes

bug while granting permissions in support_activities solved

modifying api-doc/index to accept a package-key, returns a package-view from a package-key if it is installed etc. for example /api-doc/index?about_package_key=acs-datetime would be the same as browsing to /api-doc/package-view?version_id=x where x is the local version_id. This feature will help static docs link to evolving api automatically. oracle sql is untested, but should work.

    • -0
    • +20
    • -0
    • +20
fixing bugs with permissions

    • -5
    • +7
    • -2
    • +1
IE fix/simplification for list display and a switch from graphic based bullets to the browser based disc list-style-type

slight change in wording

User called my attention to a grammar issue in what turned out to be an uninternationalized phrase in .LRN 2.2. Need to internationalize it after the message key ban has been lifted (post 2.2). Tweaked the original english message for now.

allow to grant sitewide admin privileges from the user admin page

    • -0
    • +3
    • -1
    • +10
minor cosmetic fixes on the user admin view

    • -13
    • +13
    • -3
    • +3
adding check for on_load in case is not sent

grant permissions to resources while executing a run

    • -2
    • +12
    • -0
    • +1
- fixing endless loop in conditions

- fixing bugs in queries

- fixing bug with else nodes

make sure the assessments multirow is passed on to the session-items include

grant permissions to resources

    • -3
    • +11
'complete' expression implemented

solve bug to show default paramater PrivateEmailLevelP in combobox

Use ADP translation syntax and we can avoid the ifs in the tcl file to

check if lors-central ins installed.

    • -7
    • +2
Don't translate lors-central message keys if its not installed

    • -4
    • +7
Add another missing image.

file portlet_titleCorner.gif was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

Adding missing images referreed to in Selva-core.css

file subnav_bg.gif was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

file subnav_corner.gif was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

Adding Mario Aguado as a committer.