ssoberni <>
on 21 Jul 11
- generic/nsfStack.c / CallStackPopAll(): When cleaning up the unstacked CSC entries, the borderline case of just 1 CSC entry led to a d… Show more
- generic/nsfStack.c / CallStackPopAll(): When cleaning up the   unstacked CSC entries, the borderline case of just 1 CSC entry led   to a dangling pointer (and so a crash). This was caused by the   unhandled side effect of CscListRemove() (or, rather,   NsfClassListUnlink()) which updates the interp's cscList pointer in   the 1-list-entry scenario. By using a copy of this pointer in the   cleanup loop, this scoped pointer became dangling. To reproduce the   issue (prior to this commit), run for example:

 Object create o { exit -1 }

 I extended the CscListRemove() interface for a conditional out

 parameter, to be used for tracking changes to the interp's cscList


- generic/nsf.c: Modified the occurrences of CscListRemove() to

 reflect its extended interface.

- generic/nsfStack.c: Extended the documentation snippets of the

 CscList* operations accordingly.

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