• last updated 23 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
file upgrade-1.2.3-1.3.1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
Add message keys, they are meant for use in downstream UI

    • -0
    • +2
    • -0
    • +2
added editor hints

Address a problem encountered already with proctoring uploads: in cases that count both as timeouts and errors, the rescheduling of the request would happen twice. If the condition persists, the number of requests can grow out of control

fix bug in javascript, when only the screen-stream should be recorded

improve spelling

    • -11
    • +11
    • -12
    • +12
Fix overquoting in english message key

    • -1
    • +1
Allow in the include to selectively disable combinations of audio, camera and desktop recording (at least one stream needs to be enabled for proctoring to happen)

This allows to better tailor proctoring behavior to the user needs and privacy requirements

    • -128
    • +152
Fix parameter names

Handle the case where the iframe URL points to an external website: just skip the iframe-loop check

Always make sure to clear any previously scheduled upload, before scheduling another one

This handles the case when a connection times out (readyState 4 and status = 0). In this case both the rescheduling in the readystatechange handler and in the timeout handler would be executed.

    • -12
    • +26
Check stream refactoring: break down better the various error situations so they can be reported to the user

Include stream name in the error message

Enforce also that, after proctoring has successfully started, captured videos do not stop anymore

This could mean that the video entered some invalid state, as we had already defined an event handler to restart a paused video...

Improve error message

Avoid suddent request bursts when e.g. connectivity resumes

Include the technical error message in the popup to the user when missing stream error occurs

    • -1
    • +1
    • -1
    • +1
Store the previous picture by a deep value copy, rather then by reference, as the original canvas is going to be watermarked

Try to ask the browser to disable noise suppression on the microphone, so that silence detection won't trigger in case of "normal" environmental silence

Allow to turn off the actual upload of proctored files e.g. to implement a test page or when proctoring should just be used as a deterrent

Increase threshold to 5Kb

fix typos in message keys

    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
update message key Exam_mode_message

    • -121
    • +28
    • -115
    • +26
Fix typo

    • -1
    • +1
add missing spaces

    • -6
    • +6
    • -7
    • +7
add missing spaces

    • -3
    • +3
fix condition: blob can either be null or the size of blob is below the threshold

Reduce the threshold for images to be considered black:

in the wild it has happened that borderline-legitimate pictures of 7kbytes have triggered the check.

Pass check_active_p from the including page

Pass the check_active_p flag down to the backend from the proctored page, update doc