• last updated 7 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Add 'validate_oneof' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::oneof'

Fix clock check. The clock command will not fail on incorrect dates (e.g. 2021-13-00) unless the format is specified.

Add 'validate_textdate' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::textdate'

Add 'validate_enumeration' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::checkbox_enumeration'

Extend 'validate_text' test case and reduce code duplication

Extend 'validate_search' test case with 'template::data::validate::party_search'

Add 'validate_checkbox_text' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::checkbox_text'

Add 'validate_file' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::file'

Add 'validate_search' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::search'

Extend 'validate_date' with 'template::data::validate::time_of_day'

Add 'util_negative' test case, covering 'template::util::negative'

Add 'validate_date' test case, covering 'template::data::validate', 'template::data::validate::date' and 'template::data::validate::timestamp'

Add 'validate_url_element' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::url_element'

Add 'validate_url' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::url'

Add 'validate_filename' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::filename'

Add 'validate_keyword' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::keyword'

Add 'validate_string' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::string'

Add 'validate_text' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::text'

Add 'validate_number' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::number'

Add 'validate_float' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::float'

Add 'validate_naturalnum' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::naturalnum'

Add 'validate_integer' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::integer'

Add 'validate_email' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::email'

Make some tests production_safe

Add 'validate_boolean' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::boolean'

file data-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Make api public, as this might be called in adp files from other packages

Modernize javascript idiom

Allow to specify javascrit event handlers at the tcl level using CSS query selectors

Fix long standing regression

After https://cvs.openacs.org/changelog/OpenACS?cs=MAIN%3Adaveb%3A20080908165252, in template::list::write_csv we started looping through the list "elements", rather than the "display_elements". This prevents specifying different sets of columns to be returned depending on the "-formats" and "-selected_format" options in template::list::create. Many thanks to Oasi Software that customized this proc a long time ago, so that I could realize where the problem was.