• last updated 7 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
reduce redirects

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
fix for issue #3379

Update italian localization

    • -0
    • +2
Localize long URL errors and bump version number

    • -0
    • +2
    • -0
    • +2
    • -0
    • +2
get detailed information about a person via person::get_person_info

fix broken message key

improve error message

Fixed broken auth::password::email_password

added missing changes due to API refactoring

improve comments

whitespace changes

prefer dict over Tcl array

reduce redundant lookups in auth::check_local_account_status

improve spelling

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.
fix typo

make it possible to run auth::authority::create in the background

use simple query as local query to make purpose more evident

bump version number to 5.10.0d3

pass authority_id to acs_user::get_by_username

auth::create_user: add parameter authority_id to enable creation of users in arbitrary authorities

Whitespace changes

Fix uncomplete test description and simplify single -procs line.

improve spelling

- adjust to changed results of ns_cache_stats

- add comments and warnings

    • -17
    • +32
use public interface instead of private one

    • -2
    • +2
Provide an ad_include_contract for the page (fixes files__page_contracts)

Ehm.. revert previous commit: search would use service contract to get the search form, so we should no assume local-search to be used...

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Removal of obsolete user search includes


- no mention to these pages anywhere in upstream packages

- local-search fails files__page_contracts automated test

- weird code in local-search (where is authority_id used to filter users?...)

- acs-admin/users/complex-search is a working replacement and duplicates their intended features

- as for TIP#125, in case complex-search was not reusable, probably a minor rework would do

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Trim whitespaces

Indentation change

Harmonize parameter names in proc documentation removing unexistent ones

handle authorizations with no auth_sync_process defined without raising an error in the error.log