• last updated 12 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
As tcllib was released in 2016, I believe we can cleanup the legacy zip implementation

Provide exec-free implementation of util::unzip using zipfile::decode

Extend the test to cover also cornercase behavior concerning overwriting of files

Test zipping and unzipping utilities

Make test less tautological

Test for psql only when this is expected

Prefer OS-agnostic path separator, add cvs to the exec dependencies

Cleanup copy paste error

Removed untested and unmaintained code

Fallback to the location of the psql executable when a pgbin was not explicitly defined in the config file (which is allowed)

Prefer exec-free variant

Cleanup copy paste

Test external command dependencies

Test external command dependencies

Prefer exec-free alternative

Test external command dependencies

Improve documentation

Test external command dependency for the package

Test external command dependencies

Add library header

file boomerang-test-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Test external command dependencies

Test external command dependencies

This will currently fail because of a bug in db_get_pgbin

Test external command line dependencies

Prefer binary from parameter as everywhere else

Test external command line dependencies

Test optional external command dependencies

Add further dependency to test

Test that external command line dependencies are executable

Added optional "-name" to xowiki::update_item_index

This attribute was missing from the changeble attributes

of the xowiki_form_instance_item_index

    • -2
    • +3