New parameter for acs-subsite "CSSToolkit"
- potential values: empty ("", default), "bootstrap" (referring to Bootstrap 3) and
"bootstrap5" (referring to Bootstrap 5)
- When the value is empty then the CSS toolkit is determined based on
the name of the theme of the current subsite. When this name
contains bootstrap5 then "bootstrap5" is chosen as toolkit, when it conntains
bootstrap3, then "bootstrap" otherwise it is left empty.
New parameter for acs-subsite "IconSet"
- potential values: empty ("", default), "classic" (old-style gif/png images),
"glyphicons" (Part of Bootstrap 3), and "bootstrap-icons" (usable
for all themes).
- When the value is empty then the iconset is determined
based on the CSSToolkit and/or the installation of the
"bootstrap-icons" OpenACS packages. When the toolkit is "bootstrap"
this indicates "Bootstrap 3", and "glyphicons" are used. When the
"bootstrap-icons" package is installed, it is used, otherwise the
"classic" iconset is used.
- bumped version number of acs-subsite to 5.10.1d2