| |
1 |
1 |
ad_page_contract { |
| |
2 |
2 |
| |
3 |
3 |
Main tcl procedures to handle colloquia with java rte applet |
| |
4 |
4 |
| |
5 |
5 |
@author Michele Slocovich (michele@sii.it) |
| |
6 |
6 |
@creation-date 2004-09-27 |
| |
7 |
7 |
@cvs-id $Id$ |
| |
8 |
8 |
} { |
| |
9 |
9 |
functionCalled:notnull |
| |
10 |
10 |
data:optional |
| |
11 |
11 |
} -properties { |
| |
12 |
12 |
} -validate { |
| |
13 |
13 |
} -errors { |
| |
14 |
14 |
} |
| |
15 |
ns_log Notice "Huh? servlet function called $functionCalled" |
| |
15 |
ns_log Notice " servlet function called $functionCalled" |
| |
16 |
16 |
if { [info exists data] } { |
| |
17 |
ns_log Notice "Huh? data: $data" |
| |
17 |
ns_log Notice " data: $data" |
| |
18 |
18 |
} |
| |
19 |
19 |
| |
20 |
20 |
#set the following accordingly to debug or Notice |
| |
21 |
set basiclevel "Notice" |
| |
22 |
set tracelevel "Notice" |
| |
21 |
set basiclevel "Debug" |
| |
22 |
set tracelevel "Debug" |
| |
23 |
23 |
#tracelevel debug will show messages only at debug level |
| |
24 |
24 |
#tracelevel Notice will show all messages. same goes for basiclevel |
| |
25 |
25 |
#see index.tcl for setting java/javascript debugging by setting debuglevel |
| |
26 |
26 |
| |
27 |
27 |
#try to circumvent browsers caching strategies |
| |
28 |
28 |
set s [ns_set new] |
| |
29 |
29 |
ns_set put $s "Pragma" "No-Cache" |
| |
30 |
30 |
ns_set put $s "Expires" "0" |
| |
31 |
31 |
ns_set move $s [ns_conn outputheaders] |
| |
32 |
32 |
ns_set move [ns_conn outputheaders] $s |
| |
33 |
33 |
| |
34 |
34 |
#fetching information |
| |
35 |
35 |
set user_id [ad_conn user_id] |
| |
36 |
36 |
acs_user::get -user_id $user_id -array user |
| |
37 |
37 |
set username $user(username) |
| |
38 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Huh?---------------------------------------" |
| |
39 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh? LMS Rte server START" |
| |
40 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Huh?---------------------------------------" |
| |
41 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Huh?username: $username" |
| |
38 |
ns_log $tracelevel "---------------------------------------" |
| |
39 |
ns_log $basiclevel " LMS Rte server START" |
| |
40 |
ns_log $tracelevel "---------------------------------------" |
| |
41 |
ns_log $tracelevel "username: $username" |
| |
42 |
42 |
set currentcourse [ad_get_client_property lorsm currentcourse] |
| |
43 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Huh?man_id: $currentcourse" |
| |
43 |
ns_log $tracelevel "man_id: $currentcourse" |
| |
44 |
44 |
#this is not used in this proc, so far |
| |
45 |
45 |
| |
46 |
46 |
set currentpage [ad_get_client_property lorsm ims_id] |
| |
47 |
47 |
set initedonpage [ad_get_client_property lorsm initedonpage] |
| |
48 |
48 |
| |
49 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?lorsm ims_item_id $currentpage" |
| |
50 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?lorsm initedonpage $initedonpage" |
| |
49 |
ns_log $basiclevel "lorsm ims_item_id $currentpage" |
| |
50 |
ns_log $basiclevel "lorsm initedonpage $initedonpage" |
| |
51 |
51 |
| |
52 |
52 |
if { ! ($currentpage>0) } { |
| |
53 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM missing ims_item_id : $currentpage" |
| |
53 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM missing ims_item_id : $currentpage" |
| |
54 |
54 |
} |
| |
55 |
55 |
| |
56 |
56 |
set community_id [lors::get_community_id] |
| |
57 |
57 |
| |
58 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM user: $user_id course: $currentcourse ims_item_id: $currentpage community_id: $community_id" |
| |
59 |
| |
60 |
58 |
if { $user_id == 0 } { |
| |
61 |
59 |
#http 401 is unauthorized |
| |
62 |
60 |
ns_return 401 text/plain "Error=101,ErrorDescription=\"Not logged in\"" |
| |
63 |
61 |
} |
| |
64 |
62 |
| |
65 |
63 |
if { $currentcourse == "" } { |
| |
66 |
64 |
#http 303 is error: but the answer should be found elsewhere |
| |
67 |
65 |
ns_return 303 text/plain "Error=102,ErrorDescription=\"No current course (how did you get here?)\"" |
| |
68 |
66 |
} |
| |
69 |
67 |
| |
70 |
68 |
if { ! [info exists functionCalled] } { |
| |
71 |
69 |
#http 400 BAD request: returned as well as when functionCalled is nonsense (see end of switch) |
| |
72 |
70 |
ns_return 400 text/plain "Error=104,ErrorDescription=\"No function specified\"" |
| |
73 |
71 |
} |
| |
74 |
72 |
| |
75 |
73 |
set currenttrackid [ad_get_client_property lorsm currenttrackid] |
| |
76 |
74 |
set lorsmstudenttrack [ad_get_client_property lorsm studenttrack] |
| |
77 |
75 |
| |
78 |
76 |
set package_id [ad_conn package_id] |
| |
79 |
77 |
| |
80 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM $functionCalled " |
| |
81 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM tracking (client properties): currenttrackid: $currenttrackid lorsmtrack: $lorsmstudenttrack " |
| |
78 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM $functionCalled " |
| |
79 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM tracking (client properties): currenttrackid: $currenttrackid lorsmtrack: $lorsmstudenttrack " |
| |
82 |
80 |
| |
83 |
81 |
ad_get_user_info |
| |
84 |
82 |
set name $last_name |
| |
85 |
83 |
#seems ADL wants a comma between lastname and christian |
| |
86 |
84 |
append name ", " |
| |
87 |
85 |
append name $first_names |
| |
88 |
86 |
| |
89 |
87 |
if { $initedonpage != $currentpage } { |
| |
90 |
88 |
if { $functionCalled != "cmigetcat" } { |
| |
91 |
89 |
if { $functionCalled != "keepalive" } { |
| |
92 |
90 |
ns_log warning "SCORM jumping to different courses WITHOUT init!!!" |
| |
93 |
91 |
} else { |
| |
94 |
92 |
ns_log warning "SCORM keepalive still alive after LMSFinish" |
| |
95 |
93 |
} |
| |
96 |
94 |
| |
97 |
95 |
#c'e' stato un cambiamento di item |
| |
98 |
96 |
set lorsmstudenttrack "" |
| |
99 |
97 |
ad_set_client_property lorsm initedonpage $currentpage |
| |
100 |
98 |
} |
| |
101 |
99 |
} |
| |
102 |
100 |
| |
103 |
101 |
switch -regexp $functionCalled { |
| |
104 |
102 |
null - |
| |
105 |
103 |
keepalive { |
| |
106 |
104 |
ns_return 200 text/plain "OK" |
| |
107 |
105 |
ns_log warning "SCORM Keepalive" |
| |
108 |
106 |
| |
109 |
107 |
} cmigetcat { |
| |
110 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Huh?---------------------------------------" |
| |
111 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh? LMSInitialise " |
| |
112 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Huh?---------------------------------------" |
| |
108 |
ns_log $tracelevel "---------------------------------------" |
| |
109 |
ns_log $basiclevel " LMSInitialise " |
| |
110 |
ns_log $tracelevel "---------------------------------------" |
| |
113 |
111 |
| |
114 |
112 |
if { $initedonpage != $currentpage } { |
| |
115 |
113 |
#c'e' stato un cambiamento di item |
| |
116 |
114 |
set lorsmstudenttrack "" |
| |
117 |
115 |
ad_set_client_property lorsm initedonpage $currentpage |
| |
118 |
116 |
} |
| |
119 |
117 |
| |
120 |
118 |
if { $lorsmstudenttrack == 0 || $lorsmstudenttrack == "" } { |
| |
121 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM : lorsm student new track " |
| |
119 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM : lorsm student new track " |
| |
122 |
120 |
#here track id was not set (course is not lors-trackable) |
| |
123 |
121 |
#we should first try to see if we find an already open track in lorsm.track |
| |
124 |
122 |
set lorsmstudenttrack [lorsm::track::new \ |
| |
125 |
123 |
-user_id $user_id \ |
| |
126 |
124 |
-community_id $community_id \ |
| |
127 |
125 |
-course_id $currentcourse] |
| |
128 |
126 |
| |
129 |
127 |
ad_set_client_property lorsm studenttrack $lorsmstudenttrack |
| |
130 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM tracking has in any case created a lorsm_student_tracking track_id: $lorsmstudenttrack" |
| |
128 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM tracking has in any case created a lorsm_student_tracking track_id: $lorsmstudenttrack" |
| |
131 |
129 |
if { ! [ db_0or1row isanysuspendedsession {} ] } { |
| |
132 |
130 |
#faccio un nuovo trackid |
| |
133 |
131 |
#and |
| |
134 |
132 |
# not ( |
| |
135 |
133 |
# cmi.lesson_status = 'completed' |
| |
136 |
134 |
# or |
| |
137 |
135 |
# cmi.lesson_status = 'passed' |
| |
138 |
136 |
# ) |
| |
139 |
137 |
#we create a new track which is going to be the new 'master track' for this cmi data set |
| |
140 |
138 |
set currenttrackid $lorsmstudenttrack |
| |
141 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM new track id: $currenttrackid" |
| |
139 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM new track id: $currenttrackid" |
| |
142 |
140 |
} else { |
| |
143 |
141 |
set currenttrackid $track_id |
| |
144 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM found a lorsm_cmi_core track with a non completed nor passed session." |
| |
142 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM found a lorsm_cmi_core track with a non completed nor passed session." |
| |
145 |
143 |
} |
| |
146 |
144 |
| |
147 |
145 |
} else { |
| |
148 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM already has current session (=$lorsmstudenttrack) (istrackable is on): going to check if the session is ok for current item" |
| |
146 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM already has current session (=$lorsmstudenttrack) (istrackable is on): going to check if the session is ok for current item" |
| |
149 |
147 |
#now we look for the existance of a lorsm.cmi.core track id for this user / course / class which is still not completed |
| |
150 |
148 |
if { ! [ db_0or1row isanysuspendedsession {} ] } { |
| |
151 |
149 |
#and |
| |
152 |
150 |
# not ( |
| |
153 |
151 |
# cmi.lesson_status = 'completed' |
| |
154 |
152 |
# or |
| |
155 |
153 |
# cmi.lesson_status = 'passed' |
| |
156 |
154 |
# ) |
| |
157 |
155 |
#the reasoning here is as follows: i had a $lorsmstudenttrack |
| |
158 |
156 |
#but not track for the course in lorsm_cmi_core. therefore i need to change the |
| |
159 |
157 |
#"student" track |
| |
160 |
158 |
set lorsmstudenttrack [lorsm::track::new \ |
| |
161 |
159 |
-user_id $user_id \ |
| |
162 |
160 |
-community_id $community_id \ |
| |
163 |
161 |
-course_id $currentcourse] |
| |
164 |
162 |
ad_set_client_property lorsm studenttrack $lorsmstudenttrack |
| |
165 |
163 |
set currenttrackid $lorsmstudenttrack |
| |
166 |
164 |
} else { |
| |
167 |
165 |
set currenttrackid $track_id |
| |
168 |
166 |
} |
| |
169 |
167 |
} |
| |
170 |
168 |
#at this stage currenttrackid is the value it should have in lorsm_cmi_core |
| |
171 |
169 |
| |
172 |
170 |
if { ![ db_0or1row istherealready {} ] } { |
| |
173 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM new RTE lorsm_cmi_core: id $currenttrackid" |
| |
171 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM new RTE lorsm_cmi_core: id $currenttrackid" |
| |
174 |
172 |
#get initialization data from manifest data already imported |
| |
175 |
173 |
db_0or1row get_adlcp_student_data {} |
| |
176 |
174 |
| |
177 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM data for lorsm_cmi_student_data is $datafromlms, $maxtimeallowed, $timelimitaction, $masteryscore" |
| |
175 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM data for lorsm_cmi_student_data is $datafromlms, $maxtimeallowed, $timelimitaction, $masteryscore" |
| |
178 |
176 |
# |
| |
179 |
177 |
# lesson_location is the bookmark. |
| |
180 |
178 |
# lesson_status is initialized to 'not attempted' |
| |
181 |
179 |
# |
| |
182 |
180 |
db_dml lmsinitialize {} |
| |
183 |
181 |
| |
184 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM Data inserting into lorsm_student_data $currenttrackid $username $maxtimeallowed" |
| |
182 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM Data inserting into lorsm_student_data $currenttrackid $username $maxtimeallowed" |
| |
185 |
183 |
db_dml lmsinitialize2 {} |
| |
186 |
184 |
| |
187 |
185 |
ad_set_client_property lorsm currenttrackid $currenttrackid |
| |
188 |
186 |
db_0or1row istherealready {} |
| |
189 |
187 |
| |
190 |
188 |
| |
191 |
189 |
#adjust on a per-server basis |
| |
192 |
190 |
#if { $currentcourse == 6280 } { |
| |
193 |
191 |
#set student_id "testscorm727" |
| |
194 |
192 |
#} |
| |
195 |
193 |
| |
196 |
194 |
set returndata "cmi.core.student_id=$student_id,cmi.core.student_name=$name," |
| |
197 |
195 |
append returndata "cmi.core.lesson_status=$lesson_status,cmi.core.credit=credit,cmi.core.entry=ab-initio," |
| |
198 |
196 |
append returndata "cmi.core.lesson_mode=normal," |
| |
199 |
197 |
append returndata "cmi.student_preference.language=italian,cmi.comments=$comments,cmi.comments_from_lms=$comments_from_lms" |
| |
200 |
198 |
append returndata ",cmi.suspend_data=$suspend_data,cmi.launch_data=$launch_data" |
| |
201 |
199 |
append returndata ",cmi.student_data.max_time_allowed=$maxtimeallowed,cmi.student_data.timelimitaction=$timelimitaction" |
| |
202 |
200 |
append returndata ",cmi.student_data.mastery_score=$masteryscore" |
| |
203 |
201 |
} else { |
| |
204 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM found RTE lorsm_cmi_core: id $currenttrackid" |
| |
202 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM found RTE lorsm_cmi_core: id $currenttrackid" |
| |
205 |
203 |
ad_set_client_property lorsm currenttrackid $currenttrackid |
| |
206 |
204 |
#retrieve data other than core |
| |
207 |
205 |
| |
208 |
206 |
if { ![db_0or1row get_adlcp_student_data2 {}] } { |
| |
209 |
207 |
ns_log Error "SCORM recoverying of student data: not successfull on $currenttrackid -> please check" |
| |
210 |
208 |
set max_time_allowed "" |
| |
211 |
209 |
set time_limit_action "" |
| |
212 |
210 |
set mastery_score "" |
| |
213 |
211 |
} else { |
| |
214 |
212 |
ns_log debug "SCORM recoverying of student data: successfull" |
| |
215 |
213 |
} |
| |
216 |
214 |
# THIS CHECK is somehow just a previous bug catcher, shouldn't actually be needed |
| |
217 |
215 |
# if { [db_resultrows] == 1 } { |
| |
218 |
216 |
# ns_log debug "SCORM recoverying of student data: successfull" |
| |
219 |
217 |
# } else { |
| |
220 |
218 |
# ns_log Error "SCORM recoverying of student data: not successfull on $currenttrackid -> please check" |
| |
221 |
219 |
# } |
| |
222 |
220 |
| |
223 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM retrieved track id in lorsm_cmi_core: $currenttrackid" |
| |
221 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM retrieved track id in lorsm_cmi_core: $currenttrackid" |
| |
224 |
222 |
# summing up session time to total_time |
| |
225 |
223 |
set total_time [expr $total_time + $session_time] |
| |
226 |
224 |
set total_time_ms [expr $total_time_ms + $session_time_ms] |
| |
227 |
225 |
set session_time 0 |
| |
228 |
226 |
set session_time_ms 0 |
| |
229 |
227 |
| |
230 |
228 |
if { $total_time_ms > 100 } { |
| |
231 |
229 |
set total_time_ms [expr $total_time_ms - 100] |
| |
232 |
230 |
set total_time [expr $total_time +1 ] |
| |
233 |
231 |
} |
| |
234 |
232 |
# erasing session time from server and updating current total time |
| |
235 |
233 |
set todo "UPDATE lorsm_cmi_core SET total_time = '$total_time" |
| |
236 |
234 |
append todo "', total_time_ms ='$total_time_ms' " |
| |
237 |
235 |
#append todo " WHERE track_id=:currenttrackid" |
| |
238 |
236 |
append todo " WHERE track_id=$currenttrackid" |
| |
239 |
237 |
db_dml todo $todo |
| |
240 |
238 |
| |
241 |
239 |
if { [db_resultrows] == 1 } { |
| |
242 |
240 |
ns_log debug "SCORM time processing UPDATE: '$todo' successfull" |
| |
243 |
241 |
} else { |
| |
301 |
299 |
if { [ string length $total_time_ms] == 1 } { |
| |
302 |
300 |
set total_time_ms "$prefix$total_time_ms" |
| |
303 |
301 |
} |
| |
304 |
302 |
| |
305 |
303 |
if { [ string length $hours ] == 1 } { |
| |
306 |
304 |
set hours "$prefix$hours" |
| |
307 |
305 |
} |
| |
308 |
306 |
| |
309 |
307 |
if { [ string length $minutes] == 1 } { |
| |
310 |
308 |
set minutes 0$minutes |
| |
311 |
309 |
} |
| |
312 |
310 |
| |
313 |
311 |
if { [ string length $seconds] == 1 } { |
| |
314 |
312 |
set seconds 0$seconds |
| |
315 |
313 |
} |
| |
316 |
314 |
| |
317 |
315 |
set total_time "$hours:$minutes:$seconds.$total_time_ms" |
| |
318 |
316 |
#if { ! [empty_string_p $total_time_ms] } { append total_time ".$total_time_ms" } |
| |
319 |
317 |
#appending time fields to return string |
| |
320 |
318 |
append returndata ",cmi.core.session_time=$session_time,cmi.core.total_time=$total_time" |
| |
321 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM initialised, sending data to applet" |
| |
322 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Huh?$returndata" |
| |
319 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM initialised, sending data to applet" |
| |
320 |
ns_log $tracelevel "$returndata" |
| |
323 |
321 |
| |
324 |
322 |
ns_return 200 text/plain "$returndata" |
| |
325 |
323 |
| |
326 |
324 |
} cmiputcat* { |
| |
327 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Huh?---------------------------------------" |
| |
325 |
ns_log $tracelevel "---------------------------------------" |
| |
328 |
326 |
switch $functionCalled { |
| |
329 |
327 |
cmiputcat { |
| |
330 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh? LMSCommit" |
| |
328 |
ns_log $basiclevel " LMSCommit" |
| |
331 |
329 |
| |
332 |
330 |
} cmiputcatONFINISH { |
| |
333 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh? LMSFinish" |
| |
331 |
ns_log $basiclevel " LMSFinish" |
| |
334 |
332 |
} |
| |
335 |
333 |
} |
| |
336 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Huh?---------------------------------------" |
| |
337 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Huh?received data $data from applet: processing. " |
| |
338 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Huh?Reference cmi track is $currenttrackid, while lorsmstudenttrack is: $lorsmstudenttrack" |
| |
334 |
ns_log $tracelevel "---------------------------------------" |
| |
335 |
ns_log $tracelevel "received data $data from applet: processing. " |
| |
336 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Reference cmi track is $currenttrackid, while lorsmstudenttrack is: $lorsmstudenttrack" |
| |
339 |
337 |
set preparselist [lrange [ split $data "," ] 1 end] |
| |
340 |
338 |
set lista [list] |
| |
341 |
339 |
set value "" |
| |
342 |
340 |
#here we build a list of request=value. we must do some pattern matching |
| |
343 |
341 |
foreach couple $preparselist { |
| |
344 |
342 |
if { [ regexp ^cmi\.* $couple ] } { |
| |
345 |
343 |
if { ! [empty_string_p $value] } { |
| |
346 |
344 |
set value [concat [lindex $lista end],$value] |
| |
347 |
345 |
ns_log debug "SCORM PARSER ending recomposing $value " |
| |
348 |
346 |
set lista [lreplace $lista end end $value] |
| |
349 |
347 |
set value "" |
| |
350 |
348 |
} else { |
| |
351 |
349 |
ns_log debug "SCORM PARSER full couple $couple " |
| |
352 |
350 |
lappend lista $couple |
| |
353 |
351 |
} |
| |
354 |
352 |
} else { |
| |
355 |
353 |
ns_log debug "SCORM PARSER partial couple $couple " |
| |
356 |
354 |
set value [concat $value,$couple] |
| |
357 |
355 |
ns_log debug "SCORM PARSER partial couple $couple " |
| |
358 |
356 |
} |
| |
461 |
459 |
} |
| |
462 |
460 |
| |
463 |
461 |
} default { |
| |
464 |
462 |
ns_log Warning "SCORM table: '$table', '$column' not implemented -> not treating this applet request" |
| |
465 |
463 |
} |
| |
466 |
464 |
} |
| |
467 |
465 |
} |
| |
468 |
466 |
| |
469 |
467 |
switch $functionCalled { |
| |
470 |
468 |
cmiputcat { |
| |
471 |
469 |
#We try setting track exit so that we keep some exit time |
| |
472 |
470 |
#even if user closes the course without passing by FINISH |
| |
473 |
471 |
if { $lorsmstudenttrack == "" || $lorsmstudenttrack == 0 } { |
| |
474 |
472 |
lorsm::track::exit -track_id $currenttrackid |
| |
475 |
473 |
} else { |
| |
476 |
474 |
#speficic for courses for which istrackable is on |
| |
477 |
475 |
lorsm::track::exit -track_id $lorsmstudenttrack |
| |
478 |
476 |
} |
| |
479 |
477 |
| |
480 |
478 |
ns_return 200 text/plain "OK" |
| |
481 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM post LMSCommit (trackid=$currenttrackid)" |
| |
479 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM post LMSCommit (trackid=$currenttrackid)" |
| |
482 |
480 |
| |
483 |
481 |
} cmiputcatONFINISH { |
| |
484 |
482 |
set lorsmstudenttrack [ad_get_client_property lorsm studenttrack] |
| |
485 |
483 |
ad_set_client_property lorsm studenttrack "" |
| |
486 |
484 |
ad_set_client_property lorsm currenttrackid "" |
| |
487 |
485 |
ad_set_client_property lorsm initedonpage "" |
| |
488 |
486 |
| |
489 |
487 |
if { $lorsmstudenttrack == "" || $lorsmstudenttrack == 0 } { |
| |
490 |
488 |
lorsm::track::exit -track_id $currenttrackid |
| |
491 |
489 |
| |
492 |
490 |
} else { |
| |
493 |
491 |
#speficic for courses for which istrackable is on |
| |
494 |
492 |
lorsm::track::exit -track_id $lorsmstudenttrack |
| |
495 |
493 |
} |
| |
496 |
494 |
ns_return 200 text/plain "OK" |
| |
497 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh?SCORM post LMSFinish (trackid=$currenttrackid) sent ok to applet" |
| |
495 |
ns_log $basiclevel "SCORM post LMSFinish (trackid=$currenttrackid) sent ok to applet" |
| |
498 |
496 |
} |
| |
499 |
497 |
} |
| |
500 |
498 |
| |
501 |
499 |
} default { |
| |
502 |
500 |
#returning a BAD REQUEST and not a GATEWAY ERROR !!! |
| |
503 |
501 |
ns_return 400 text/plain "Error=103,ErrorDescription=\"No functionCalled meaningful value provided\"" |
| |
504 |
502 |
} |
| |
505 |
503 |
} |
| |
506 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Huh?---------------------------------------" |
| |
507 |
ns_log $basiclevel "Huh? LMS Rte server END" |
| |
508 |
ns_log $tracelevel "Huh?---------------------------------------" |
| |
504 |
ns_log $tracelevel "---------------------------------------" |
| |
505 |
ns_log $basiclevel " LMS Rte server END" |
| |
506 |
ns_log $tracelevel "---------------------------------------" |