davido in OpenACS

solving a problems with permissions

Releasing a new version of the package which corrects some previous bugs

removing callback implementatios from application-track and adding them to the owner packages

removing callback implementatios from application-track and adding them to the owner packages

removing callback implementatios from application-track and adding them to the owner packages

changing namespaces for application-track callbacks

changing namespaces for application-track callbacks

added alias for packages application-track, application-track-portlet and dotlrn-application-track

Initial import of dotlrn-application-track

Initial import of application-track-portlet

Initial import of application-track

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
Initial revision

  1. … 25 more files in changeset.
This version improves performace and corrects some bugs

Added parameter PerlPath

Changes in the tool logic in order to improve its performance

Updating config file

Fixing bugs in some users and communites chunks

Reorganizing some statistics

Reorganizing some statistics

Release 0.1d2 of user-tracking tool

Release 0.1d2 of user-tracking tool

    • -0
    • +1527
Release 0.1d2 of user-tracking tool

Release 0.1d2 of user-tracking tool

  1. … 168 more files in changeset.