
Clone Tools
  • last updated 5 hours ago
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- nsf.c: Since the method "objectparameter" is just based on the class (and object parameters are invalidates as well over the class), we moved the method from obj to class to avoid potential confusions

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- nsf: renamed nsf::isobject to nsf::object::exists - nsf: renamed nsf::qualify to nsf::object::qualify

  1. … 17 more files in changeset.
* removed method residualargs from nx

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
- changed named of method handling commands in nsf: ::nsf::methodproperty => ::nsf::method::property ::nsf::method => ::nsf::method::create ::nsf::methoddelete => ::nsf::method::delete ::nsf::alias => ::nsf::method::alias ::nsf::forward => ::nsf::method::forward ::nsf::setter => ::nsf::method::setter (updated regression test, docs, ...)

  1. … 24 more files in changeset.
DTrace: handle self->tracing in D scripts (and in dtrace/sample.tcl, tests/object-system.tcl)

- fixed potential access to freed memory (actually when checking if namespace was removed by Tcl); found this problem when compiling Tcl with SYSTEM_MALLOC (own modified version of tclThreadAlloc.c) - fixed memory leak (namespace names and structures)

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
- changed relation handling by evaluating the relationcmd in the parent context to keep evaluation order. - extend introspection "nsf::configure objectsystem": the command returns now all system methods in the syntax of nsf::createobjectsystem - "nsf::createobjectsystem" creates now a warning when an existing objectsystem is redefined and ignores the new definition attempt. This was done with the purpose to allow "package forget nx; package require nx" - Allow overwriting of redefine protected method during bootstrap to ease "package forget nx; package require nx" - forward had just "-objscope", no general "-frame method|object". Since forwarder have client data, they always push a method frame. So, the situation is different to nsd::alias and ::nsf::dispatch. Therefore, the flag "-objscope" was renamed to "-objectframe" to provide better consistency with "-frame object" - fixed bug, where error handling of invalid options in ForwardProcessOptions() could lead to a crash - return forwardoption "-earlybinding" via instrospection - extended regression test

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
- fixed langauge hooks for emacs

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.
- renamed nx regression tests .test to follow tcl conventions

    • -0
    • +215
  1. … 35 more files in changeset.