
Clone Tools
  • last updated 47 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
* disposition.test, parameters.test: Adjust tests to reflect the changed representational behaviour for numerics (int, wide) according to TIP 514 (now in Tcl 8.7a2+).

improve spelling

help static analyzer to parse statements

use consistently US spelling variants

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://alice.wu-wien.ac.at/usr/local/src/git-repo/nsf

* Makefile.in, win/makefile.vc: Add TCL_PKG_PREFER_LATEST to avoid version hickups (stable beating latest) somewhere from TCLLIBPATH etc.

update README.release to make sure, all version numbers in configure.ac are updated properly

* configure: Make sure configure is stashed with repo, as autotools are not automatically re-generated (e.g., in build array)

* object-system.test: Add a simple test to catch incomplete version bumps earlier

update configure file as well with NSF_MINOR_VERSION=2

bump also NSF_MINOR_VERSION after release

fix version number in configure.ac

follow the Tcl, not the OpenACS numbering scheme

prefer US american spelling variants

change version number to first version number after the 2.2.0 release (2.3d0)

fix usernames at sourceforge

keep COMMIT file (as indicated in README.release)

improve wording, update change statistics

remove more files from final tar file

Don't add file COMMIT to tar file

* Announce2.2.0: Improve spelling [skip ci]

* Announce2.2.0: Updated git summary stats [skip ci]

* ChangeLog-2.1.0-2.2.0.log: Add recent commits [skip ci]

reduve variable scopes

fix access to NULL members (found via clang sanitizer)

* ChangeLog-2.1.0-2.2.0.log: Add recent commits [skip ci]

* Announce2.2.0: Improve spelling

update diffstats

align release date

    • -3469
    • +3469
align release date

    • -6486
    • +6486