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  • last updated 3 hours ago
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* nsf.c (ParamFreeInternalRep): Remove some left-over.

* nsf.c (NsfParamWrapper): refcount mini-reform removing canFree flag

Update build matrix: Use gcc-12 on macOS images [skip travis]

Update build matrix: 9.0.0 and 8.6.15

Improved Tcl 9.0.0 compatibility

One needs 'Tcl_InitStubs(interp, "8.5-",...)' instead of

'Tcl_InitStubs(interp, "8.5",...)', since the semantics are seemingly

the same as in "package require ...". Not sure, why we have not seen

this with earlier pre-releases of Tcl9.

Without this change, we see in the NaviServer regression test the following error message:

[27/Sep/2024:10:56:30][18309.7f35ed856540][-main:test-] Error: version conflict for package "tcl": have 9.0.0, need 8.5

: version conflict for package "tcl": have 9.0.0, need 8.5

: while executing

: "load {} Nsf"

: invoked from within

: "ns_ictl update"

: (procedure "ns_cleanup" line 8)

: invoked from within

Update build matrix to include the 9.0b3 release

* win/rules.vc: Tcl 9 does not add a version infix to the stub library name [skip actions]

Fix appveyor build descriptor [skip actions]

Merge branch 'main' of git.complex.wu.ac.at:tcltk/nsf

fix for transitional bug due to NS_TCL_HAVE_TIP629

Deactivating NS_TCL_HAVE_TIP629, since this needs more work to deal

with the two different types of commands (before and after the TIP)

* When we activate NS_TCL_HAVE_TIP629 (TIP supporting > 2^31

* elements in object vectors), Tcl defines different objProcs

* (Tcl_ObjCmdProc and Tcl_ObjCmdProc2) where the usage of these

* depends on a cmdWrapperProc. Unfortunately, the resolving of

* these are performed via CmdWrapperInfo, which is not exported. We

* have to think how to resolve these to make this working as with

* prior Tcl versions.

removed debugging output for NS_TCL_HAVE_TIP629

nsf.h: Remove leftover in header file

Updated build targets: core-9-0-b2

improved cleanness of compile with tcl9

improved cleanness of compile with tcl9

Add new build targets: 8.6.14 and core-9-0-b1

Merge branch 'main' of git.ai.wu.ac.at:tcltk/nsf

Add to hosts files on macOS runners

Add to hosts files on macOS runners. Fixes actions/runner-images#9346

Fix var substitution

GitLab runner: Provide for curl

Update .gitlab-ci.yml file

Initial .gitlab-ci.yml file to integrate with fisheye.openacs.org

Use loopback IPv4 address, to work around the DN service being unavailable on GH macos runners

Merge ahead commits from fork gustafn/nsf

improved spelling

fixed misleading name of variable

Fixed handling of invalid parameter specs

This bug was occuring e.g. with an invalid parameter spec as in

:property {fiscalyear:integer, required}

where an additional space was introduced. The bug was reported by

Maksym Zinchenko on the xotcl mailing list (many thanks for that!)

and lead to an attempt of adding an empty parameter option.

Now, an error is generated in this case.

improved comment

improved spelling

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