• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Removing extra space on pkg version no.

- modernize tcl

- don't do want aolserver/naviserver does anyhow

- fix for bug in request processor that leads to Errors of the form: "failed to redirect '404': exceeded recursion limit of 3" in the error.log

- fix provided privilege for permission::require_permission

Download package depends no more on acs-mail package. Instead acs_mail_lite api is used.

missing ';'.

Avoid usign deprecated ad_require_permission. Using permission::require_permission instead.

- the template "above" this one still needs the variable "title"

no need to split line into 2.

catalog files for bug-tracker orginally added on oacs-5-2 branch.

Populating new column workflow_id in case there were already workflows assigned to porjects.

- standardize expression

- modernize tcl

- fix a bug (actually in api-browser) which barfs on rendering the source, when it tries to resolve the message-keye, which require extra variables

- fix bug with exporting multiple "unnamed files" to the file-system

When there are multiple "unnamed files" in a directory,

the constructed full_name might exist already. This

would lead to an error in the "file copy"

operation. Therefore, the code generates a new name with an

alternate suffix in such cases.

- fix gor bug #3174. subsites disappeared from sitemap, when a hard coded value was surpassed

- compare only values in sanity check when they are either provided or they were earlier loaded. Otherwise we would compare with a fallback value.

- fix for bug #3119

file upgrade-5.8.1d2-5.8.1d3.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-8.

- use "lassign" instead of "foreach ... break" idiom

- use "in" operator instead of lsearch

- modernize tcl

    • -40
    • +40
    • -72
    • +72
    • -21
    • +21
    • -22
    • +22
- fix duplicated "and" in query

- use lassign instead of "foreach ... break" idiom

    • -1
    • +1
  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
- use property "doc(title)" instead of "title"

- replace deprecated "export_url_vars" by "export_vars -url"

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
Merging back fixes on oacs-5-2 to HEAD.

    • -11
    • +63
wrong variable name on debug message.

Removing extra ]'s.

Fixing null package_id's for faq and faq_q_and_as objects. Patch orignally provided by Gustaf Neumann.

- fix bug #1910