• last updated a few minutes ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
making changes to use the same instace of invoices on all portlets

removing the site-node::new for the portlets, using the same instace of invoices on all portlets

Store the I18N version of the group_name in the title

file ams-widget-procs-postgresql.xql was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2005-11-30 16:21:53 +0000

Added support for a pretty_name using the acs-object's title. The I18N version of the option is stored as the title and the title is what is being displayed now. Ups... how on earth shall the upgrade work

    • -204
    • +303
    • -3
    • +8
Bugfix on backwards displaying of relationships, fixed this on the admin purchase interface as well as the section admin relationships list

fix grant and revoke of public viewing permissions

making some changes to show all invoices when organization_id is not present

added calls to generate pdf document

file searches.adp was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2005-11-30 15:31:02 +0000

changes made to support extend search, adding procedures files

file contacts-messages-create.sql was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2005-11-30 15:31:01 +0000

changes made to support extend search, adding procedures files

    • -0
    • +77
changes made to support extend search

messages added to support extend search

increment version number to support extend search

Bugfix on email_user_id if set to participant

file pdf-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

    • -0
    • +0
added procs to convert html to pdf, added parameter to htmldoc binary

    • -7
    • +3
    • -0
    • +126
add order by for show classes in the view public

New I18n

New I18n

Adding permisssions on assignment

Setting the context_id correctly for the folder creation

Bugfix on session mapping query, only get latest session

fix as this was throwing an error on edited sessions

Made sure that -exclude_static works in add_elements as well

Made the project name editable again

Fixed three bugs: missing stylesheet link in object pages, missing description in portfolio type task forms, and updated the new flash map + map.xml

fixes bug 2589, implements patch 730; CR now passes automated-testing