• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- fix and standardize quoting in template properties

- use better template variable modifiers

- remove header_stuff property from .adp files

    • -17
    • +0
- remove header_stuff properties from generated adp files

    • -14
    • +2
    • -5
    • +2
- update of russian catalog files for acs-kernel as contributed by v v (see issue #3260)

- update of russian catalog files for acs-datetime as contributed by v v (see issue #3259)

- update of russian catalog files for acs-authentication as contributed by v v (see issue #3258)

- update of russian catalog files for acs-lang as contributed by v v (see issue #3261)

- update for acs-admin contributed by v v (see issue #3257)

- fix validity of HTML

    • -1
    • +1
- fix and standardize quoting in template properties

  1. … 166 more files in changeset.
- adjust adp-generator-procs to generate properties as recommended

- fix and standardize quoting in template properties

    • -2
    • +2
  1. … 28 more files in changeset.
- fix and standardize quoting in template properties

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
- fix and standardize quoting in template properties

  1. … 331 more files in changeset.
- fix and standardize quoting in template properties

    • -2
    • +2
  1. … 382 more files in changeset.
- add doc(title) property

- fix quoting

- strengthen page contracts

    • -2
    • +2
- fix quoting in navigation procs

- fix subtle quoting bug: the substitution of

#package_key.message_key# happens via regex on the resulting page

late in the layout process. When a message contains %-substitution

variables, at least these values have to be html-escaped.

The bug showed up e.g. on OpenACS.org in the forums, when

a subject line contained a double quote (e.g. in the .LRN Q&A forum,

message "My applet doesn't appear ...". Since the layout is produced


<a href="@messages.message_url@" title="#forums.goto_thread_subject#">

and the message key is defined as

Go to thread %messages.subject%

the HTML title attribute was terminated prematurely by the double

quote of the subject line and the remainder was invalid HTML.

- update documentation

- don't raise an error on missing substitution variables, but write an error to the error.log (otherwise, one can get recursive errors on missing variables)

- improve readability

- remove ignored sql statement

- use more precise data types

- strengthen page contracts

    • -4
    • +4
- backport from head to ease using HEAD modules

- harden page contracts

- use export_vars for url-generation