• last updated 21 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- remove default bgcolor in flash (swf) links, use styling via surrounding divs etc. instead

- make same changes to acs-subsite/www/site-map.tcl as to acs-subsite/www/admin/site-map.tcl

- adding quotes for HTML attributes

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
- fix HTML attribute quoting

- quote html attributes properly

- fix html HTML 4.01 validity

- use export_vars instead of manual coded url parameter to increase security

- improve usage of export_vars (no unecessary quotes, use "-base" parameter to make intentions clear)

- fix html HTML 4.01 validity of ds toolbar

merging back to HEAD fixes regarding repeatable formfields.

    • -2
    • +2
All js functions used to load ckeditor need to be prefixed with 'load_'.

Removing formfield css class from delete repeated field links otherwise they are mistaken with html elements used during ckeditor initialization.

    • -2
    • +2
- keep link-source for folder-tree to allow for opening the link-source and not the link-target branch

    • -2
    • +7
    • -2
    • +5
- FormPage.edit: in the "view mode" of edit (as opposed to the "save

mode"), add the ::xo::cc url as return_url in case no return_url

was specified to ensure to return on the starting page (necessary

for editing linked pages)

- add query parameter "deref" to control per-call whether

operations should be performed on the link or on the target object

    • -8
    • +18
- provide path for calc_wiki_image_links_to_image_tags() in

richtext::ckeditor and richtext::ckeditor2 to fix image

replacement in cases, where a linked page is edited with

embedded images.

- do not change resolve context per default on included pages. this is required, when the included page has included content stored underneath the object (e.g. .SELF./... references)

- reduce verbosity

    • -2
    • +2
- don't use _p suffix for variable names in xotcl/nsf methods

    • -3
    • +3
- make resolving of embedded resources more robust (reset id of search-path instead of prepending name, which might be unsufficiently constraint)

    • -4
    • +18
-fix for bug #3249: don't import prototype-page when user requests a non-existing page

    • -18
    • +22
Missplaced clossing parenthesis from previous commit.

backporting fix from oacs-5-8.

typo: missing ).

- fix HTML validation (4.01 Strict) for acs-admin/apm and acs-admin/developer

(remove "center" tag, remove obsolete tags, remove some tables based designs)

- protect against potential xss attack

    • -2
    • +2
    • -25
    • +17
- protect against potential xss attack

    • -25
    • +17
- stick in oacs-5-8 to the old praxis and load core.js in oacs-5-9 as body script

- allow upgrade of blank-master.{tcl,adp} via install-from-repository. This files should be free of site-specific customizations

- include js function acs_Focus() in head such that core.js can be

added safely as body_script

- remove obsolete handling for document.getElementById()

- fix merge bug

- fix merge bug