
  • last updated 15 hours ago
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Removed Your Workspace from the context bar and put it in the default-master template instead.

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
merge fix for bug 134 from oacs-4-6

Add a doctype to the default-master bug 134/patch 44 Vinod Kurup

In order for the Bug Tracker version bar to work I added the possibility for a package to stick something at the beginning of the HTML body. This is a temporary workaround. It may not work well with sites with customized default-masters. The Bug Tracker should show its version information between the header and footer instead

add title and context to sitewide master

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
reverted to 1.1 code becase of my accidental commit

remove signatory link

OpenACS 4.x

  1. … 1321 more files in changeset.
Initial revision

    • -0
    • +14
  1. … 1321 more files in changeset.