• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
flushed out main entity types for financial accounting system

This is a method of using dia to diagram the data model. Dia can produce

.png format files on the command line, so I wrote a makefile which produces

datamodel.png from datamodel.dia and also contains a pattern rule to

produce any.png from any.dia.

Requirements for running the make:

- gnu make

- dia

    • binary
Initial commit for package t-account.

initially, only the empty dirs sql, www, tcl.

each instance of this package will represent a collection of financial

T-accounts. Transactions will post to at least two accounts, crediting

one and debiting the other. The requirements for the transaction to go

forward are: (1) all accounts posted to must exist in the package

instance being posted to, and (2) total debits must equal total

credits. As I become aware of reports and other documents, I will try

to add them.