• last updated 17 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Bugfix on page not found error when entering an invalid credit card number

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showing prereqs even though the user didn't fill them out (patron information)

showing prereqs even though the user didn't fill them out (patron information)

taking out ns_write

flushing patron_info fix

fixing mismatch of name in the section flus

new lines between patron lines

Improved association of application to assessment

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sending email to patron where appropriate

    • -3
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page flow for admin prerequite - now get confirmation page

    • -4
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page flow for waiting list

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memoizing patron info

sending email to patron (where applicable)

sending email to the patron (if applicable)

emailting patron (or participant depending on param)

making it so patrons can buy the courses after they are approvece

    • -1
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if you are an admin, it now says that you are processing an order for that person, not that they are that person

distinguising between waiting list and prereq applciation

Use dotlrn_ecommerce_email_new_order instead of ec_email_new_order

    • -10
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Added customized version of ec_email_new_order proc

Display latest billing address if no credit card is used in the order

taking out Hamilton's comment tags around the prereq/waiting lists; nicer note for waiting list slot to be available

sending user id to the cache so user-specific catalog info can be cached; adding cache flush before every redirect to avoid timing issues for during the script running

implementation the use_embedded_application_view_p to control the view link and the use of the edit button

replacing the hard-coded assessment id number with parameter

fixing queries to return members own applications and waiting list as well as those they are a patron (where patron is different than participant

Call after-checkout callback only after credit card is authorized

Moved drop cals from dotlrn-ecommerce-views-create.sql to drop script

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See if participant is a dotlrn user

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Added support to allow users with approved applications to access the community even before completing the registration