• last updated 58 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Converted entire checkout form to ad_form but incompletely. This doesn't include gift checks, saved credit cards, shipping address, etc.

Fixed URL for assessment redirect

Unregistered users are now asked to login or register immediately after checkout

Bugfix if user logs in with items in shopping cart

Use custom login form when switching from normal to secure location

Bugfixes on registration redirect, session handling

Copied login pages from acs-subsite, added slight UI improvements, decided to copy these files inside dotlrn-ecommerce since they probably will have more modifications

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Fixes for group display

Bugfix on group purchase

Bugfixes on return links

Parameterize payment methods

Redirect to /assessment, hardcode for now since multiple instances can be mounted

Move ecommerce stuff out of admin to be accessed by normal users, add

to cart link now goes here instead of the ecommerce package

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  1. … 32 more files in changeset.